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Color Club 'Crystal Baller', ft. Unt 'Ready for Takeoff'

Hey Paraders!

How are you all? It's been quite a while now, maybe 2 months since my last sporadic post? Well, now that it's Summer and I'm getting pretty bored I'm setting myself the challenge of at least a post a week. In fact, this week, (Monday 8th - Sunday 14th) I'm going to challenge myself to do a post a day...
Encouragement will be appreciated.

Anyway, for today I have a few polishes I recently bought whilst in the US. One of these is Unt's "Ready for Takeoff" peel-off base coat which YouTuber Simply Nailogical pretty much swears by. She's also the Holo Queen, so it seems right to pair it with my other new polish, Color Club's "Crystal Baller".

I purchased both of these polishes from US-based LiveLovePolish, who also ship internationally - a rare and appreciated gift when it comes to buying polish online. Prices for these beauts were as follows:
Unt - Ready for Takeoff: $10 + shipping (approx £8 as of August 5th)
Color Club - Crystal Baller: $10 + shipping

I'm going to have a quick search around UK stockists for these polishes, and update this space to see what I can find for you guys. In the mean time though, enjoy the pretties seen below!

Update: Unt sell directly to the UK from their website, with Ready for Takeoff £7.39 + shipping!
Color Club also sell directly from their site, and you can find Crystal Baller for £9.99 + shipping right here! (Shipping is also free on orders £30+ which is probably gonna happen...)   
So yes, happy shopping if you like the look of these products!

First of all, for this mani, I used one coat of the Unt peel-off coat. It dries almost to a matte finish, but doesn't effect the polish going on top in any way. I'm not going to focus too much on this as I'm still trying to figure out the easiest way to actual peel it off. I wore this mani for around 3 full days without any chips or lifting, and even then for the next day I only had a tiny little chip on my ring finger (which you can see if you're eagle-eyed). 

A quick jump to these lovely peeled off... things, shows I had a little difficulty at first but was eventually getting the hang of it, as you can see I got 2 nails almost perfectly intact off. I feel like the glitter came off a little easier than the others, maybe because it was thicker. Also my nails were pretty dry when I applied this so I'm not sure if this affected removal in any way. Note that my nails were perfectly harm-free once removed, no scratches or scuffs or anything! YAY!

Back to the holo beauty though, here come the rainbows!! (Don't forget you can click the image to enlarge it and see more rainbow goodness).

So 'Crystal Baller' is that b-e-a-utiful blue holographic there with literally all the rainbows. I feel like I should call this more of a blue/lilac because it can look more like a lilac in some lights, but 90% of the time it's an extremely pretty rainbow-blue. 
All of the images you're seeing here are in natural (rare) English sunlight coming in from the window.

I don't have much else to say about this polish since it literally speaks for itself. I'm wearing 2 coats of it here, but it covered really nicely in just 1 if you're short on time. Anyway I'm going to leave you with more pics for you all to drool over with me. 

To those of you who have noticed my alternative ring finger there, I'm sporting Morgan Taylor's "Time to Shine" which is a gun-metal/silver fine glitter. This was built up in 3 coats, and still a little spacey. You can also find it in this post!

And with those mind-blowing out-of-focus holo pics (the best kind of holo pic!), I can confirm that I am indeed a "holosexual" (if you have no idea what I'm talking about, check out Simply Nailogical's video here...).
Without further ado, I will end this post right here and you can continue with your day-to-day goings ons, and I will see you on Monday for the beginning of my week-long-post-a-thon. 

Thanks for reading!


  1. I didn't get a box with my UNT peel off base coat...ah well...I used it with textures and glitters and it peeled in less than a day, it lasted longer with a Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure creme...good stuff!! Great holo, I need to get that one...

    1. Hi, thanks for reading! I've used the UNT base coat with a few more polishes now and I agree - the holo creme in this post has stayed on way better than the glitter I've tried so far. I did my mani on Monday night and within 24 hours the polishes (they were glitters) had all peeled off, however I had also used cuticle oil within a couple of hours of doing it, whereas my nails were SUPER dry with the holo so I'm wondering if that had anything to do with it. Either way I'm going to keep trying and will post an update at some point! :)


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