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Showing posts from November, 2015

OPI "Comet in the Sky"*

*This post contains items which have been for review by In this post these items are "OPI Comet in the Sky" and "Seche Vite Topcoat"  Hey everyone! So, as promised, I'm back with post 2.0 for OPI's Comet in the Sky polish which was kindly sent to me by You can check out the super messy part 1 right here! Hopefully with this post you'll be able to see the glitter in a much better light and also decide which colour you think it looks best on! Without further ado, here are some preeeeetty pictures. Highlighted on the thumb nail is two coats of Morgan Taylor's "All White Now" followed by two coats of "Comet in the Sky". Layering the glitter over the white is a great way to see all the black flecks and small hexes, but you don't really see the pearly larger-glitters as much. Personally, not my favourite, but you may love it! Over on this nail I've got two coats of Barry M...

OPI Swatches from!

Hey everyone! So this week I've been a bit of a mess, and this reflects a little in the carelessness of my nails, so I do apologise in advance. But the most important thing here is that you get to see the pretty colours that OPI have managed to create and that happily supplied me with!


Hellooooo everyone! Long time no see, but I have (at last) returned, yay! And not only have I returned but I've teamed up with a rather exciting website-  - which will be featured for the whole of this week as they sent me some extremely nice looking items that I can't wait to share with you all :) ---serious paragraph--- Also, after this week there's gonna be a bit of a change up to the site- that is, I'll be posting once  per week. As the opportunities (time-wise) arise I may post twice a week, but as I figure out where to fit everything into my life again I'm cutting it down to one, I hope you all understand! ---seriousness over--- Back to - here is the package in question that I was definitely more than happy to receive! I was actually having a really terrible day until I arrived home to find this waiting for me - especially since all I was expecting was two bottles of nail polish. So thank you so much indeed! Pac...