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New Polish and Organisation!

My Nails Inc Lucky Dip came, and wow is it just perfect!
So what happens with their 'Lucky Dip' is that you get 7 polishes at random for £18, and they only do it like once a season or something. When you think that Nails Inc polishes can range from £11-15, this is a damn good deal!
Plus the polishes include new and old ones- it's pretty much whatever they have in their warehouse as far as I understand =)

So, here's the polishes I got! (I'm in love with them all, so prepare to see them in use pretty soon!)
Mayfair- an iridescent creamy-white

Mornington Crescent- a bright peach

Mortimer Street-A metallic gold colour that turns bronze & pink where the light hits.

Richmond Terrace- a rich purple/burgundy colour

Pembridge Crescent- an interestingly toned grey-purple

Sloane Gardens- a Magical Dark Blue Glitter

Chancery Lance- A 'beaded' (Textured) bright blue polish with sequins

I don't know which to try first. *sigh*
Anyway, onto the second half of the post...

Organising Nail Polish
So, if any of you are those that know me, you'll understand how bad my organisation can be. My school work is 100% organised, important documents- 100% organised... My bedroom? 100% tip. My Nail Polish...? 70% organised, if you count a draw full of bottles plus a few dotted around as 'organised'

Anyway, in my thoughts of finding a better way to organise my polish (and trust me, there's a LOT of it...) I thought of drawer dividers, boxes, spice racks or just general messiness. I've concluded at drawer dividers that will be made out of cardboard boxes and some pretty wrapping paper (perfect timing cause all of the Christmas stuff it out!) Now just to save some cereal boxes... :3

Another use of organisation I'm gonna start on, is App-form. For iPhone/iPad/iPod there's an app called "Nail Polish Book" and it's so easy to use, and so effective too! Oh, and it's Free! I love free things xD
Anyway, it's easier to explain in screenshot form!

The icon looks like this~

So, here's the "Add Nail Polish" Page- where you can add your nail polish to your database-thing ^^

 When everything's filled in it looks like this!

The main screen is here~ It's quite pleasing to look at and see all your pretty colours! ^^

 You can 'sort' the order of your polishes by these 5 factors~

And you can even search!

When you click on a polish, this comes up :)

And from there you can edit the page, taking you back to one which is similar to the "add new" page =)
I love it so much!
Now for the tedious method of putting all of the polishes into the app... May take a while :3

Anyway that is all for me for today! I shall see you again tomorrow probably, hopefully with a post on Rachael's Fundraising, as she's given me the go-ahead to post about it! :D

If you wanna get a head-start on the donating money for her cause, Macmillan Cancer Support, clicky...

Enjoy your day, and be sure to check back soon! ^^


  1. hahaha I seriously need to invest in that app, my collection has turned to absolute chaos since I ran out of room for all of them....


    1. It's such a useful app! But it's gonna take forever to put all my polishes in it :/ xx

  2. ahh this looks amazing! can't wait to see some swatches of these...and I am going to start using the app, thanks for the tip!
    I've followed your blog, I would love it if you could check my blog out and maybe give it a follow :)

    Sarah :)

    1. Thank you! :) I should have some swatches up soon hopefully! And now all 123 polishes are in my app, yay! Haha, I just have to remember where I put them all now ^^
      Followed you too deary, awesome blog you have! :D

  3. That's such a great deal! Chancery Lane looks very exciting :) Ahh, that app looks so useful -- I definitely need to check it out!

    1. It really does! I'm just scared to use it in case I can't get it off! :3 And the app is brilliant! Especially if you don't want to end up buying duplicates ^^


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