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The Adventures Before Christmas (2)

Hello again!
There's just a few minutes left til Christmas Day, so here's a super quick updatey post! WOO!
***Includes Nail-y Goodness***

Monday/Christmas Eve-Eve
This must've been a pretty dull day because I'm sitting here and I can't remember what I did... :3 Of what I can remember, I tidied up a tiny bit, did a driving lesson, moped around a lot and iced the Christmas cake... Not a bad day I guess?
The weather was super miserable though, so I was glad to be confined to the house!

I also realised that the last Christmassy post was actually lacking in images of the Christmassy things we have around the house! So I took the chance of an empty house to snap some pics with my phone :) *I'll have an actual camera tomorrow- Finally!

And I also made myself a yummy breakfast/lunch/brunch :3

*Enter Nail-y Goodness* I did my nails late on Sunday night, so they were acceptable to snap at yesterday ^^ Here's a few clicks- polishes used: Teal by Barry M; 'Westbourne Park' (Holographic) by Nails Inc

And the little snowflakes and snowmen that you see there are stickers that my Mam dropped into my Christmas card! You can probably find similar ones on eBay stores and such!
Now I feel all festive!

Christmas Eve
Why hello there Christmas Eve, didn't you sneak up on us? It's been a busy busy day (I got up at 6.30... It's school holidays!!). First thing this morning my mother and myself were in the local Marks and Spencer's collecting our food order for tomorrow and buying some extra goodies (which included pink lemonade and prawn crackers, which have now "mysteriously" disappeared...).
When we got home, we managed to rearrange the fridge in true Christmas-Tetris style!

I braved the local Sainsbury's a bit later while my Mam was at work to grab some more goodies for us to eat, and a new iPhone charging wire because mine broke (urgh!), and wow, it was super busy! Guess it's expected though, isn't it? :3
The rest of the day seems to have disintegrated into a flurry of tidying and looking for things to do. And that is pretty much it!

Have an amaaaazing Christmas! I leave you with one last piece of Christmas Spirit, and I shall see you all very soon! (Probably Boxing Day!) :D Goodnight, sleep tight, I hope Santa is good to you!!

~Rachel xxx


  1. your Christmas decs and tree look lovely :) and I love your nails very festive :) hope you had a lovely Christmas and wish you a wonderful and happy healthy fabulous new year! xxxx

    1. Ahh thank you very much Dawn! :) And I hope you had a lovely Christmas too and a Happy 2014! :) xxxx


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