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Happy New Year!!

Hello folks!

So, this post is so late that I'm pretending that it's a Chinese-New-Year post...

What I'm trying to say, basically, is HAPPY NEW YEAR (insert massive 'cheers' here), and Happy Year of the Rooster!
(Random fun fact: I was born in the Year of the Rat, which supposedly symbolises strong vitality and intelligence, though I'm not sure I can agree for myself, personally.)

And so, my dears, I have come to realise that we are almost a whole month into 2017. This is both terrifying and exciting in how quickly everything is coming together. I'm still out in the US, but I think I'm getting my life together enough to be able to blog again (YAY!). I'd still like to update the look of Nail Parade, but I'll get on with that at some point. I have some new polishes coming in the 'mail' (ahem, post, to all of us Brits) soon, which I'm super excited to blog about as they're from ILNP (I Love Nail Polish). Whilst ILNP does actually ship to the UK, it costs an arm and a leg to do so usually, and their multichromes are apparently the best... so I'm gonna find out!

There's also some posts I had planned from forever ago I will eventually get round to posting, and I found some acrylic paints and a paintbrush so I can finally do some art also. Yipee!!

You can hopefully also expect a few lifestyle posts, and I have some peeps coming to visit so maybe we can try vlogging while they're here... maybe. Either way, exciting times are ahead, and I hope that 2017 is looking wonderful for you if you're reading this. :)

See you very, very soon. As in, maybe tomorrow if I can get my act together and continue to write.


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