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Swatch Watch: ILNP Masquerade

Welcome back!

As promised, I have yet another swatch from ILNP to share with you today! I also realised that I should do my daily life spiel at the end of my posts so you don't end up reading an essay about my boring 'lil life and can skip straight to the good, juicy polishes. Speaking of juicy polishes...

Just look at the reflection on this beauty. So. Wonderful. 

And the colours! So many colours!! (Like Joseph's Technicolour Dreamcoat, this polish has two coats of many colours #musicalnerd). 

Now we must note that it is not quite the "many colours" which can be found in the holo polishes, especially as they literally reflect rainbows of magic, but in this polish alone you can see a lime-green, gold, orange, purple, reddish-purple/burgundy (whatever you wanna call it), a dark-ish blue and some hues in between. The three images below show this transition, followed by this polish's wonderful Fact File!

Fact File:
Brand: I Love Nail Polish (ILNP)
Polish Name: Masquerade
# of Coats: 2-3
Finishing Texture: Super smooth, reflective, multichrome magic.
Cost: $12.50 / £9.65 + p&p from 

It's worth noting that all of these images were taken in natural lighting (yay, skylight!), I just spun around on my desk chair to capture the different colours at different angles. (Yes, a lightbox would be much easier, but where's the fun in that??) Sometimes I wonder if I post too many images, but they all look so different, so I'd like to just make sure that you do in fact know that these are all the same polish. I promise. 

Remember the hypothetical Top 30 Polishes list I spoke about in my ILNP Reminisce post? Masquerade would totally join this list. As it has the ability to cycle through so many colours, there's just something that makes it more enjoyable to wear. It's kinda like a game on your nails - What colour will you see as you wear it? Who knows!

I also happened to post this polish to my personal instagram again, (why am I not posting these on my blog account, pffft.), so here is is for you to check out at your leisure:

A post shared by Rachel Star (@star_rach) on

Before you go, I also wanted to share with you that I am super excited because I grabbed tickets to see Scouting for Girls in December! They're a band that I semi-forgot about, but it's going to be so wonderful and nostalgic, and I've started playing their songs on repeat already. So... eeep!

Meanwhile, you can get ready for a new post in a few days, covering a swatch of Barry M's Papaya Gelly polish - another of my favourites, and the perfect shade for Summer. Don't forget that you can also tell me what polish you'd like to see swatched next by checking out this list and leaving a comment below!

See you next time, have a wonderful few days :)


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