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Christmas Polishes!

Hello everyone! Hope your week is going well so far. As you can see, the post-Christmas posts are continuing for today, though I think this it the last one... until next year!

Over the Christmas-period anyway, I managed to bag some bargains and receive some pretty polishes as gifts, so I just wanted to share with you what's been added to the collection. Everything has been added onto the Polish List so you can check what I have there and if it's been swatched already! Don't forget to contact me if you want anything swatched or used specifically! :)

Let's begin with some gifts! I got this cute Nails Inc set containing 6 mini's of their Gel polishes- from left to right these colours are named Victoria, Old Bond Street, Little Brick Lane, Mayfair Lane, Beaufort Street and Porchester Square. 
The range of colours for such a small pack is quite good, and they do produce a decent shine- I'll be sure to get a swatch of one out soon!

Next up, I was given a Disney Villains nail polish mini's set- which is basically the perfect gift for me, as it combines Disney and polish! The polishes don't actually come with names on the bottles, but little stickers on the tops- a key, a heart with a knife through it, a crow and a shell (in that order) which you can then refer to the names on the box. That makes the polishes from left to right: "Midnight Hour" (Cinderella's step-mother); "Just One Bite" (The witch in Snow White); "Mistress of Evil" (Maleficent, I think!) and "Diva of the Deep" (Ursula) 
The names are just so inventive and I love the little links between the bottles and their names using the stickers! So cute!

The final polish-gift was a pack of four nspa polishes, which aren't actually named and are made with fruit extracts! I'm really hoping they're scented polishes- I'll update on that soon!

I also kind of treated myself, with a few Models Own polishes to start with! The bright yellow (Bikini) and bright green (Flip Flop) I'd had my eyes on for a while but had never quite managed to snag for myself- I'm so glad I finally have! The red polish, Rhubarb and Custard, is another I've been glancing at every now and again- I have a few reds already, but the shimmer and scented aspects of the polish just drew me in further, and I caved (woops!). Finally, Southern Lights is that super pretty glitter on the inner-right there! It paints on as a super pretty polish with tiny holographic sparkles and is genuinely one of the nicest glitters I have ever purchased!

Welcome to my Amazon shipment... I went for some cheaper, yet interesting polishes on Amazon this time round. The shape of the bottle of the first polish on the left kinda intrigued me a bit to be honest, I don't even know why! It's a Miners polish in the shade "Midnight Lavender" which is a silvery-purple colour. One hop to the right is LCN's un-named polish which is a kinda-soft Khaki green colour. I was a little disappointed with the size of the bottle, but never mind, it was only around £3! Next is Nicole by OPI's "Cinna-man of my Dreams" which is a textured glitter polish and is the most stunning colour ever! It'll definitely be swatched very very soon!
The oddly sheer pink shade another step to the right is Wild & Mild's "Glow Watermelon" polish which is said to glow in the dark. We'll see about that! It glows very very slightly in the dark in the bottle, but I'm hoping it'll be better on my nail. Finally, the strange spherical mirror-bottle on the right there is a Silver-chrome polish by Stargazer, and is surprisingly pretty good! 

Finally, we are brought to two lonely polishes that I bought while I was at home at the weekend- Orly's "Turquoise Color Flip" and Mavala's "Charm". They're both lovely colours, and the Mavala polish colour was recommended to me by a friend who was there at the time, so I'm pretty excited to try it!

I think that's all for now- though I do plan to have another mini-spree on Thursday whilst Models Own have their sale on, and their new Chrome collection released! Far too excited (and gutted that I'm in a lecture when their sale starts)! 

If you want any of these swatching asap, don't forget to drop me a comment/tweet/facebook post etc. and I'll get right on it for you!
See you all tomorrow for more hauly-goodness!

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Coming Up...
Wednesday: Born Pretty Haul 2.0!
Friday: Orly Turquoise Color Flip!
Monday: BornPrettyStore Snake-skin decals review!


  1. OOohhh those nspa polishes look interesting!

    1. Hopefully they smell interesting too! :)


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