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Post-Christmas Damage!

Hello, hello!
The post-Christmas post has finally landed, so I hope you're all prepared to follow my Christmas break and then to tell me all about yours in the comments below!

Gift Top-Picks (Non-Polish)
Before I begin I'd like to say that I'm truly thankful for each and every gift I received this year- even if it was as simple as wishing me a "Merry Christmas", and I hope all you readers out there had a wonderful day too, even though it was nearly a month ago now...

Anyway, I have got to say that my 'top' non-polish gifts definitely cover a range of uses. From a coffee machine complete with coffee pods...

To a nail-station knee-tray! And of course there are those things that you need that everyone just happens to buy, such as smellies which can last you the whole year, saving more money for nail polish ;)
I also received this beautiful unicorn necklace, and a pandora bracelet with some charms! They're so sparkly too, it's just perfect!

As if that wasn't enough already, I also got thrown an iPad, which honestly, wasn't going to make this list...
...except... my laptop broke around the 28th/29th of December, and I was saved by my iPad and able to revise for my Uni exams when I felt like it, thankfully! It was genuinely a lifesaver, and will be amazingly useful for taking notes in lectures now. 
You'll all be glad to know that my laptop is now fixed (hence how I can post now) after having it's hard-drive, graphics processor and a couple of internal wires replaced... woopsies?

A Little Bit of Travelling...
I also had the privilege of hopping onto a plane to California for 10 days over the Christmas break, to see my Dad. He surprised me when I arrived with a road trip to LA...

... where we had a glance at the Hollywood sign, went to see Wicked (The Musical) which is potentially the best musical I have ever seen! The soundtrack's been on repeat for a couple of weeks now- I'd definitely recommend it to everyone if you ever get the chance to see it!
We also drove out to Disneyland and, of course, hopped onto the original It's a Small World, despite the hour-long queue! (Hey, we're British- queuing is what we're good at!) We ended up spending a good 14 hours in the park and managed to do nearly all of the rides and stay for the firework show!

While we were in LA we also grabbed breakfast at The Ivy, though we (unfortunately) didn't get the chance to meet anybody famous! 
The road-trip back however was so beautiful, and we made sure to drive through Beverly Hills first!

We also made a quick stop off in Santa Barbara and oh my days, it's so beautiful. If you could fall in love with a city, I've fallen in love with Santa Barbara (and am currently hoping to do my Master's there- eep, life goals!)
So, yeah... The rest of the trip was spent doing some revision and then exploring San Francisco- particularly the California Academy of Sciences and Ghirardelli square before rounding off the trip with the Cirque du Soleil "Kurios" show- which was also so amazing and recommended! 

Tomorrow I'll be posting a bit of a more current life-update thing, so you know when to expect posts this year, and what is generally going on in my life right now!

So, what have you all been up to during the holidays!? Let me know in the comments below!

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Coming Up...
Thursday: What to expect, and when!
Friday: Glossybox December Edition!
Monday: Christmas Polishes!


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