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Liebster Award!

I was nominated for the Liebster award by HelloEmski :D (Click the link!) It was such a surprise for it, and I had no idea what it was either haha! But yay, thank you Emski! :D

1) You link back to the person who nominated you
2) You answer the 11 Liebster questions given to you by the person who nominated you
3) You pick 11 bloggers with under 200 followers to nominate
4) You ask 11 questions for your nominees to answer
5) You go to each nominated person's blog and let them know you've done the post


1) What made you start blogging?
Me and my friend Rhian had contemplated before that we should get blogs, as she's obsessed with make-up and I'm obsessed with nail polish. XD The contemplation first happened in sixth form one day during a 'free' period and we just started talking about how cool it would be and then realised that we could make one together, or make sister-blogs. So then one Friday night I was super bored and we both decided to set them up :)

2) You can only eat one food for the rest of your life, which food is it?
I'm going to have to go for..... Sweetcorn! Mmm, sweetcorn!

3) Favourite place to shop for fashion/beauty things?
For clothes and stuff, New Look :) Definitely New Look! And for make-up/nail polish, Superdrug is definitely cheapest and has the best variety, but I don't like their points system so I think I'll have to go with Boots :D

4) What post would you like to do that you haven't already done?
A post reviewing Barry M Gelly polishes! It's on the way guys, I promise!

5) A random fact about yourself is?
I..... I.... I like to eat sweetcorn straight out of the tin... Yes. I'm weird, but it's just so nice!

6) Favourite item of clothes?
My blue lace dress from New Look :) Though I think it's getting a hole in it *sad face*

7) What can't you live without?
Is this not an obvious question? Nail polish! Duhhh!

8) Somewhere you want to visit?
I really really really would like to go to Canada some time, and Yellowstone National Park :)

9) Favourite tv show?
Oooo I have so many... I'll list a few. Doctor Who, 90210, Criminal Minds, Two and a Half Men, and Friends

10) One thing you want to try doing but haven't yet? (Like horse riding etc)
Scuba Diving! :D

11) The ultimate question, dogs or cats?
I love both but, I'm going to have to go with... Dogs :)


I nominate...


Now my little nominees, I proceed with my questions, to you!

1. What is your favourite thing to blog about?
2. If you had to choose one, would it be family or friends?
3. Would you consider yourself as 'a bit of a geek'? (Be honest now!) 
4. Do you prefer having male friends or female friends?
5. What's your dream job?
6. Favourite nail polish colour, design and brand?
7. What's your favourite book series? (Or film series if you aren't into reading that much)
8. Come up with the most random, craziest sentence you can think of right now? :)
9. What are your favourite baby names? (One for a boy and one for a girl!)
10. When's your birthday? (And a very Happy Birthday to you for this day!)
11. Why is my eye itchy? :O

And that is all! Enjoy answering the questions hahaha :3


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