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1.5 Year Giveaway!!

Hello everyone!
As you may, or may not, have seen, it was Nail Parade's official 1.5 Year Blogiversary on Wednesday! So to celebrate, you're getting the chance to win a whole load of naily goodness.

Who can enter?
You must be a resident of the UK aged 16 or over.

When is the giveaway taking place?
From 12:01am Monday 10th November, until 11:59pm Monday 24th November.

How can I enter?
It's really simple! Just follow the instructions given to you in the Rafflecopter widget further down the page, and you will be given a set amount of 'entries' into the draw.
Please note: One of the entry options is mandatory, and it will be the first one to appear in the widget (just a simple question for you to answer!). Once you have completed this, you get the opportunity to earn 25 more entries into the draw. You can even come back daily to tweet about the giveaway for one extra entry per day!
All the ways of entering are explained on the Rafflecopter widget- if you have any questions or have any troubles seeing the widget itself, feel free to contact me using any social media, leaving a comment, or emailing me (check the "Contact Me" page)

How will the winners be chosen and contacted?
The winners will be chosen at random, by Rafflecopter, at around 1am Tuesday 25th November. They will then each be contacted by e-mail before 6pm on that Tuesday. If the winners do not respond before 6pm the following Tuesday (2nd December), a new winner will be chosen at random.

Detailed Prize Info can be found HERE!
"But wait, I already own these things..." No worries! It's the run up to Christmas after all, so why not use them as Christmas gifts to some of your family and friends?
(Please note that prizes have been ordered but not all have been received as of 9th Nov. As soon as they arrive I will update both posts!)

A Few Extra Terms and Conditions...
1. One entrant per household.
2. The "selfie with your nails" must be an image of you and your own nails, or these entries will not be counted.
3. By submitting a "selfie with your nails" you are giving permission for the image to be retweeted, re-posted on Instagram, or re-posted on Facebook on "Nail Parade" pages during the raffle's entry period, unless specifically stated otherwise.
4. Prize contents may change if items are found to be damaged during transit.
5. Prizes will be shipped within 7 days of the winners supplying their address.
This giveaway has not been sponsored, nor have any prizes been supplied by any company.

By entering using the following Rafflecopter widget you are agreeing that you have read the above and accept any Terms and Conditions.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thanks for entering! Don't forget to tell all of your friends, and get them to enter too!


  1. Ah drat I'm not a UK resident! lol. Ah well. Good luck to all entrants! :)

    1. Maybe I can go international some time! :) <3

  2. I love you models own diamondluxe heart red it is just gorgeous and I love the nail shape

    1. Thanks! I can't wait to grow my nails back out again so I can re-shape them like that! :)

  3. The Revlon sun candy shimmering sunset, absolutely love the colour

  4. How to : Gradient Nails. Great idea, practical, eye-catching. Whilst also suitable for events :- Halloween, Christmas etc.

    Rachel Craig

    1. Thanks for entering! I love gradient nails too- useful for everything :)

  5. hello i absolutely love the water marble and as soon as kids are out for the day im trying that one

  6. Fab comp! Exciting! I wrote on the actual post as to what my favourite mani is :D xx

  7. I love the water marble!


  8. What isn't to like?! I love everything! :)

  9. Glitter Gradient is a fab look!!!

  10. Like that there is a wide range!

    1. Awesome, I like covering a wide range! :) Thanks!

  11. Love the marble and glitter but so many to just pick one they are awesome

  12. Love your 'How to' posts and how to look after your nails.

  13. I found your 'how to' on sticking on gems really useful

  14. Its dedicated to what i love the best xx

  15. i love the glitter and marble nails they look fantastic :D

  16. I loved how to do astrology nails as that was something really unusual

  17. I love the Astrology nails, such a simple idea, I would have been trying to paint twins on mine for Gemini and getting into a mess.

    1. Thanks! You could also just do the constellation symbol which is like two i's in roman numeral form? :)

  18. My wife likes the water marble for the effect.

  19. Marble effect would make you cutey cool

  20. I love the creativity of your blog

  21. The water marble is amazing!! :D

  22. The ideas and products which I probably wouldn't usually know about.

    Keeley Shaw

  23. Replies
    1. Haha thanks, and thank you for entering :)


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