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I am... In Love With Books!

I know it's not Monday, but I got a bit caught up in life and homework til quite late, so you're stuck with the post today!
This will also be the last post in the "I am..." series, as I'm kinda running out of interesting things to say... (It made me realise how dull my life is though!)
Today's post is actually very fitting, as the book theme is going to continue throughout the Monday-Posts! From next Monday, there will be either a book/series recommendation, book review or "What I'm Reading Right Now" post! You may have also noticed the little addition of the Goodreads widget to my blog-so you can keep up to date with what I'm reading even if it isn't featured in a post.

Anyway! As the title says, I'm in love with books! You just can't beat sitting down with a good book and reading about another person's life. It's pure bliss! I'm gonna kick off the post with some recommendations!

For Young Teens/Older Children...
The Warrior Cats series by Erin Hunter!
These books are literally my all-time childhood favourite. They're just so well written and structured, plus they're generally very hard to put back down after picking it up. You just have to know what happens next!
In fact... the books were so good, that I'm actually re-reading them now (which is a little cringey, but pfft, who cares!). I started reading them February 20th, and I'm currently 10 books after the first one! They really are that good.
Currently, there are currently four completed series, each made up of 6 books, plus the fifth series is being written now, with two books released so far. There are also a side of 'Super Editions' which focus on one cat's specific journey.
And it has also just dawned on me that I haven't explained what the books are actually about! The whole 'Warrior Cats World' (let's call it that anyway...) follows four clans of cats in their adventures, troubles and day-to-day lives. They're written from the cats' perspectives and so they have slightly different language for our typical items- such as cars, which are called "monsters" to the cats.
Anyway, the books really are amazing, and you can probably pick up the first book of the first series: "Warriors: Into the Wild" for cheap, so even if you're simply a big-kid at heart, go for it, I'm sure you'll love them as much as I do!

For Young Adults and the YA-Genre Lovers...
The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins!
Yes, these books may not be for everyone, but I genuinely adore them. Despite the fact that these fall into my category of "Oh no, you killed my favourite character..." books (I shall not spoil it for you though!), they really are my one of my favourites. The books are super easy to get into and stay gripped. I'm sure someone around here will back me up when I say that I lost quite a bit of sleep over these books. So dramatic!
I'm not entirely sure how to summarise these books without spoiling it too much, so I'm just going to quite simply tell you to go and buy them for your own good. As long as you don't mind fighting and stuff... And feels. Lots of feels.

"That One Book You Simply Have To Read..."
Now what kind of book recommendation list would be complete without a classic!?
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen!
Ah, Pride and Prejudice. I first stumbled across this book during my GCSE's. Which was actually just under 2 years ago... And wasn't exactly 'stumbling' but more like 'being forced to read'. Either way, it's such an amazing book that I will gladly read it time and time again without complaint and probably realise something new about it every single time. It's one of the most classic romance novels, and if you haven't read it yet go and do so now please!?

I think that's pretty much all I'm gonna cover in this post. Next week marks the beginning of a new era, the book posts! (Yay, books! :D) And I think for the first post, I'd like to get the forever-debated topic of eReader vs. Book out of the way.
So don't forget to check back next week! =)
Bye for now!
~Rachel xxx


  1. Ooo a series of book posts? cool. I've always been a bit of a book worm and am on a major reading kick atm so I'll be following your 'what am I reading right now' looking for inspiration Hehe :). Xx

    1. I've only just gotten back into the whole book thing as I started playing on my DS more, but I'm soooo glad that I'm reading again, it's just so awesome to escape like that and so relaxing and... *goes to find kindle*
      Hehe, I look forward to seeing your comments :) And if you have a Goodreads account then add me on there and you'll be able to see everything I've read/want to read ^^ (If you don't have one, then I totally recommend you get one though! Their recommendations are absolute perfection from what I've seen so far) xx


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