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China Glaze: When Stars Collide

Hey everyone!
So whilst it's exam season I'm gonna be sticking to some simple swatches and hopefully get through quite a few of them to start filling up the 'swatch link' section of my polish list spreadsheet! I'll try and keep up the typical 3 posts a week, but I can't make any promises. Make sure you're following me on Twitter and Instagram if you want more regular updates :)
I'll also add an exam count-down to the end of my posts just like last year. 

Anyway, on with the post! Today I have a gorgeous holographic polish from China Glaze to show you all. Not only do I love the name of this polish- When Stars Collide - but I also love the finish it gives. 
(Please note that all images here are with the flash on)

This colour is definitely a comfortable balance between a pink and a purple, though tends to lean more towards the purple side with pinks showing up close to where the light captures the holographic element. 

However, and whether this is deemed a good or a bad thing is up to you, it really isn't the most holographic polish ever. Other polishes (in example, the Color Club's Halo Hues polishes) are way more holographic, so if you're super focused on that aspect, this may not be the colour for you. It is definitely a holographic polish though, as you can see in the pics. 

I think this is what I'd have to deem a 'sophisticated' holographic polish. The holo is subtle enough for anyone who prefers deeper colours yet fun enough for anyone who likes to spice up their manis too. It's a pretty perfect balance, and I'd definitely recommend the shade to anyone!

You can currently grab this nail polish for the small price of £4.50 from Nail Polish Direct if you're interested in doing so!

Thanks for reading, let me know what you think of this polish by leaving a comment below!
See you soon!
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Exams: 5/5 to go!


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