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Happy 2nd Blogiversary!

Hey everyone!

It's officially the 2nd year of blogging over here on Nail Parade, and I honestly can't believe that this is it, the two year mark already. I remember sitting in sixth form deciding to do this as a bit of a 'why not' thing and here I am now sitting in my room in Manchester still writing it, and loving it, after two whole years. It's really crazy!

If you want a bit of a laugh check out my first slightly-cringey first post!
And don't forget that I completely missed the first anniversary of the blog, because I am officially an idiot!
Quick update on my life right now- exam season is coming up yet again, for what seems like the millionth time in my life so far (yaaaay... exams), why I actually started a blog pre-exam period anyway is beyond me, but hey it's all worked out so far! I also get to head home for around 10 days so that will be niiiice, and there'll be free food, woop woop! I'm also planning a bit of a Uni First-Year round up, for both your sakes and my own sake, so that will be up shortly.

Anyway have an amaaaaazing day and don't forget to go and grab some cake to celebrate!!


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