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Nails as good as new!

First of all, wow. Just wow. That was completely unexpected!
I've just been doing my pre-colour nail prep to find that my Mam's added a new little bottle into the bag-now it looks really shabby and poor, but wow, it works a dream!
Introducing... Boots Salon Nail Care Cuticle Remover!
Here's the little tube it comes in! :)

It comes in this cute litte box (as shown on for a mere £4.20

And I am still in shock at how much it worked! I think my biggest mistake here is not taking before and after pictures, but before I had scabby little cuticles at the bottom of my nails, and now they're completely clear! All you need to do is follow the very simple instructions that come on the back of the tube:
1. Massage into the cuticle area- the liquid is small and white and contains little grainy pieces, though I'm not entirely sure what these are
2. Leave for about a minute
3. Grab an orange stick, wrapped in cotton wool (though I admit, I didn't wrap it in cotton wool and just made sure I was careful not to scratch too hard around my skin) and scrape away the excess cuticle (that should be pretty dead and bedraggled by now!)
4. Go wash your hands in nice warm, soapy water to make sure you get all of the cream that's left on :)

Personally, I'd finish it up with a bit of moisturiser, or go back to doing what I would normally do in my nail-prep. I'd probably do this instead of using cuticle oil.
It's recommended you do this once a week to keep them looking pretty and perfect! ^^ Though, I may lack to once every two weeks simply because I don't mind having a little bit of my cuticle showing and I'm just lazy really.
Now why are you still here? Go get some now!

Do you have any favourite nail care products? I'd love to hear what they are and why they work so well for you-comment below!


  1. OOH i will have to try it !

    1. Yes, yes you will! If you're outside of the UK/in a country without Boots stores then I'm sure a national drug store/beauty retailer/department store will have a similar equivalent :)


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