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Revlon Moon Candy

Hello everybody!
One (or two...) of my recent purchases have been of Revlon's Nail Art Moon-Candy in the colours "Orbit" and "Meteor".

Average Overall Rating: 7/10
Colour & Effect: 10/10
Durability: 4/10 -Actually quite poor
Removability: 7/10 -It removes quite easily considering the glitter flakes

Orbit (On highlight nail)
They're actually really nice polishes once you get them on the nail- a pretty deep base colour with the holographic glitter flakes in the top coat that give off a glowing appearance. 

I really do love the colours-they capture the "space" element that i think Revlon were looking for, and really look amazing-plus there's nothing else out there in the market (that I know of anyway...) unless you want to buy completely separate and probably not matched colours! I do, however, have a few issues with the polish (though, the amazing finish does make up for them!).
Issue Number 1! As one of those "Oh it's midnight, I think I'll do my nails" kind of people, I found the base coat to lack the one-coat power that I like. Even the two-coat power for some nails (especially the thumbs), so this was a little bit of a downside for me, but it's fine, I can deal with it!
Issue Number 2! The polish has chipped away at the tip of my nail after not even 24 hours. I find this a little odd as I have never had this happen to me with any other polish before, even a different Revlon polish! You can see in the images above how there's a little space in some of the nails between the edge of my nail and the nail polish (images were took after around 20/21 hours of wear, and considering I was asleep around 7 hours of that time too). It was really weird. I'll re-apply this some time in a week or so and let you guys know if it's any different, maybe it was just me!
Issue Number 3! The flakes kind of lifted up a little... You see those little holographic glitter-flakes? Well after applying them I noticed that there was one on my little finger near the cuticle-edge that was folded upright a little bit. It was a bit strange and unexpected, as I've never known any glitter to do this at all, so I got a normal top coat to brush over the top, which seemed to fix it a bit. So I recommend that if you do get this polish then go over the glitter coat with a top coat, just to secure the flakes. Though, the top coat obviously didn't keep the ends from chipping (still puzzled on this...).

Anyway, I think that's it! I've seen a few bloggers complaining that the flakes don't spread equally and that the base coat takes a while to dry enough to put the glitter on, but honestly, I think if you apply the base coat in quite thin layers, you shouldn't have a drying problem, and I found no problems with the glitter flakes, though I did end up applying two coats because I just got dazed in the sparkle!
So, enjoy your Revlon Moon Dust (I'm assuming you'll go and pick some up, cause it looks so amazing!). Thanks for reading-don't forget to subscribe/follow and leave a comment below! :-)


  1. These nails look like galaxies! I love this effect. Super cute!

    Beauty Baroness ☮♥

    1. They're amazing right! I love the effect too! x


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