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Liebster Award~ Again!

Hello again dears! Before I wander off to go and update the music playlist (which I actually will do this time!) and before I write another mahoosive image-heavy post for you all on all the make-up I received for my Birthday, I've been nominated for the Liebster award again!
Last time's award-post!

Remember the logo?

This time, I was nominated by the lovely Olivia from Never Ending Nails (Thank you Olivia! :D)
But, as I've recently completed one of the full-posts, I'm only going to answer the questions, and thank Olivia for the nomination :)

1. What is your favourite post that YOU have written? 
Well, out of the newer posts, definitely the Guide to Barry M Polishes simply because I love Barry M so much, and it was nice to actually think about the factors that made up the colours. Apart from that though, the post with all my wedding-idea in it (Today's the day...!) was super fun to write, and I love how personal it kind of is. Please check them out it you haven't already! :D

2. What is your favourite post on someone else's blog? 
Oooo, decisions, decisions! Can I just pick a blog? All of the posts on Nailside's blog, are absolutely amazing, and I couldn't just pick one. :3

3. What is your star sign? Do you believe in horoscopes? 
My star sign is Virgo, and as for believing in them... I'm not quite sure. I'll usually read them if they're just there, like in a magazine or something, but I don't really go out of my way to look for them, unless something big's happened or is coming up on that particular day. Just because I'll read them occasionally though does not mean that I swear by them :P

4. What 3 things do you hope to achieve in the future? 
Move abroad (either to study, or just live, but hopefully to study at a college in America next year- eep!), complete a Zoology degree and lose weight/get fit. :)

5. What is your favourite brand of nail polish? 
Oooo, oo... Erm, well you all know I love Barry M, but I think my favourite may have to be OPI- it's just a little out of reach fund-wise for me most of the time!

6. If you were to be stranded on a desert island, what 3 things would you choose to take with you? 
Nail polish. A water distiller thing (practical, right?) aaaaand.... nail polish remover?

7. If you were to have tea with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be and why? 
DAVID TENNANT because I'd like to get to know the man behind the best doctor (it's my opinion, please don't kill me) and he's super cute and adorable and I just wanna smush-cuddle him forever!

8. What has been the proudest moment of your life so far? 
Proudest? As in being proud of myself? ... I imagine most people will say like "when I passed all my A levels" and such, but no... I guess, when I've rebelled against my Mam. She wanted me to stay in a job that I hated, but I quit anyway. She wanted me to do Psychology or Art as an AS-Level because "Music would be a waste of time and space" but I took Music and it turned out to be the option I enjoyed the most. I guess what I'm saying here is that it's my life and her opinion doesn't matter to me anymore, which is good, because she still wants me to do Medicine at a local university. Pfft.

9. If you had to move and live somewhere different for a year, where would you live and why? 
Just for a year, I'd go for somewhere in Alaska I think, because it'd be a totally different experience with the climate, living conditions and everything! And I imagine that I'd get to see some pretty amazing things.

10. Do you have any bad habits that you'd like to kick? 
Erm, comfort eating I guess? I don't feel like I do it that often, but I do admit to eating when I'm not hungry, and I'm trying to stop it and instead doing something else to grab my attention, such as writing a blog post or doing a round of animal crossing :)

11. What is your favourite thing about blogging?
It's a great thing to do to fill my time, instead of sitting at the laptop staring and wondering what I could do next. Or trying to find a decent MMORPG to play on my Mac xD It's safe to say I failed in that one! And, it's also great when you realise that people are actually interested in reading the posts when they comment and such, it's just such a great feeling. Thank you readers! You make me feel great!

Once again, a huge thanks to Olivia from Never Ending Nails for the nomination! And my biggest apologies for not completing the whole thing, it's been fun answering the questions though- maybe you'll know me a bit better now? :D
Bye for now, I'm off to sort out that playlist!


  1. Ahh this is fab! I also agree with you.. David Tennant was the best Doctor (by far)! It was great to read your answers :) xx

    1. Haha thank you, and yay I'm glad you agree! :D xx

  2. Hi, I've nominated you for a Liebster Award! Check it out here, and send me your link in the comments when you have accepted, so I can see your answers to the questions. :) Tracey


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