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I am... a Blogger!

Hello hello!
Welcome to a new 'series' of the blog, if you can call it that.
Here I'm going to post a new title every week (or replace a nail post one, if I don't have time and such) so you always have something to read (if you want to ^^) and it gives me a chance to share the things I really care about as well as give you a bit more of an idea of who I am as a person.

So for my first topic, I'm just gonna talk about being a blogger, how it came about and how it's going.
First thing's first them- I'm a nail blogger- and my nail polish obsession didn't really begin til just over a year ago and I would go into Superdrug at least once a week and pretty much always exit the store with a nail polish of some variety. (Goodbye life savings...)
Then we were in school one day and me and one of my besties were joking about making a blog together, and we decided on doing Sister blogs, so they could be separate but still joint together. So we did! We made blogs! And I love mine to pieces. It's great just having an outlet I can turn to, and somewhere that I can share all my nail-ideas (you know, when I occasionally get them...). I just love it!

Although, I'm bogged down with school work pretty much 24/7, and am volunteering two nights a week and occasionally a saturday, plus staying behind after school for things, I still find time to blog a bit (alongside some reading and occasional TV watching ^^'). It's a great place to share things, and you have absolutely no idea how fulfilling it feels whenever someone new follows your blog or connected social media. And seeing those view counts at the end of a bad day, or week or even month! It's just all so worthwhile and amazing. <3
In other words, to all of you follower peoples, I love you guys, and you make my days so much better, so thank you! :)

If you're thinking about making your own blog, and have any questions or ideas that you don't know quite how to undertake, feel free to contact me ^^
And, one last thing, if you do make a blog, don't do it because you feel like you have to- you're ultimately not writing for others- you're writing for yourself and allowing others to read it ^^

I shall see you all very soon, with a post on the OPI Nail Apps I picked up for £2 each in B&M Bargains! :) (How exciting!!) And also very soon with another "I am..." post, and a Models Own mini-haul! :D



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