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A Blogger's Bookshelf: Introducing Katie!

Happy Monday everyone! :) Since today marks the beginning of exam-week number 1, I bring to you a guest poster from the awesome blog: Katie's Lost and Found which shares some pretty awesome mani's as well as some nice little lifestyle posts so make sure you go and check it out!
Katie's here doing a book post for me today, which I'm sure you will all love, I know I did!
I'll hand you right over...

The Dark Tower by Stephen King, aka my biggest obsession. 

Hi, when Rachel said she was looking for people to write some book-based guest posts for her I got terribly overexcited and knew I HAD to write about this series.

A friend first introduced me to the joys of Stephen King in high school and once I'd read one I couldn't get enough. Which is what led me to pick up 'wizard and glass' in a charity shop (can't beat charity shops for buying books btw!). Ignoring for a second that this is actually the fourth book of the series, I LOVED it...totally. I'm a sucker for fantasy and anything based outside of our reality. I'm also a sucker for complicated characters and flawed heroes. Add in magic, star crossed lovers and what are essentially knights on noble steeds and I'm completely hooked.

So what of the first three? I found number one at a carboot and read it in about a day, falling deeply in love with a small boy called Jake along the way. Two temporarily eluded me but I bought three in an actual real life book shop, so in my impatience I read that first before the charity shops eventually threw up number two....and then began the loooong wait while Sai King finished writing the last three books of the series!

The series uses Robert Browning's 'Childe Roland to the Dark Tower came' as a starting point and builds up a whole complex web of worlds besides and on top of and within worlds from there. At it's core it's your basic hero saving the world story, with a strong undercurrent of the wild west and a smattering of sci-fi and horror all wrapped up in beautiful, enchanting fantasy.

Did I mention I love these books?

Roland Descain of Gilead descendent of the line of Eld (sigh) is our reluctant hero. Or not so much reluctant as imperfect. A spectacular marksman and strategist but often a little lacking on the whole warm and fuzzy front. I'm a little in love...strong, brave, loyal, noble.......

Anyway. His world is falling apart and he's travelled thousands of miles over thousands of years (yep) to reach the dark tower and save it. We watch as he moves through his world and ours collecting companions and scars along the way. And, now this is the fun bit, we see him step into the worlds of other Stephen King books. In the words of Miranda's mother: such fun. I love patterns and connections and interlocking stories. And this has them in spades.

I rarely re-read books but I've read the whole series repeatedly and I never get bored of it. I love Roland and his 'ka-tet' and I love his world and the strong sense of right and wrong, rules and duty. I love to be able to escape to the safety of his level of the tower. I apologise I'm gushing, and rabbiting on! It's ok if you drift off, as Jake Chambers says 'go then, there are other worlds than these'.

Wow, thanks Katie! I've never actually read any Stephen King books, but they sound right up my alley! I'm gonna have to go and add them to my never-ending list of books to read on goodreads now. 
Don't forget to check out Katie's blog (link at the top of the post!) and stay up to date with her posts! 
I'll be back on Wednesday to introduce you to another amazing blogging guest-poster, and Katie will also be back in a few weeks with another bookshelf post and nail post!
Thank you all for reading!<3

Exam Update: 13 more to go...


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