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Wail: Introducing Emily!

Hello everyone! Hope you're enjoying the half term if you're off school or off work!
Today I'm going to introduce you to Emily, who appears to be a bit of a bargain hunter- but I'll let you see that for yourselves...

Hi everyone! I'm Emily from and today I'm very excited to be doing this guest post for Rachel. I love getting to know bloggers, it makes blogging more fun :).

Today's post is based on Miss Sporty. I found a really good bargain recently in the pound shop; they were selling packs which contained a Miss Sporty nail polish, lip balm and nail patches! All for £1! I couldn't resist buying a pack, or should I say 2 packs ;)!

Here's what they look like:

I chose the black nail polish with Zebra patches and brown polish with Commando nail patches. I don't own a brown nail polish (I had to make my Star Wars Chewbacca nails by mixing primary colours to get a brown!) so I was so happy to see some for £1!

 So moving on... I didn't want to put the nail patches on every nail, as I wanted to test the nail polish out too. Here are the instructions for applying the patches:

The first one I made was with the 'Commando' nail patches, I found them pretty easy to apply, though it's difficult to get it really smooth without any bubbles underneath:

The brown nail polish only needed 2 coats and has a great, easy to use brush, but it does require a top coat as it wasn't all that shiny. I also applied a top coat to the nail patches to make them look more glossy :).

 When I got bored of these ones, I then tested out the black polish with the Zebra patches:

Again, the application of the patches was easy, but I was having worse luck with these ones, if you look at my thumb there's quite a few bubbles that emerged :(. As for the black nail polish I loved it! Two coats and no top coat is required, just look at how shiny it is! I did add a top coat over the nail patches, I wanted them to be as shiny as the black :).

 So there's one last thing to show you and that's the lip balm:

As you can see, there is an orange-y looking one and a dark pale pink one. I didn't have high expectations of these because they were so cheap, but I was really impressed with the orange one; it smells gorgeous, it feels so smooth when you're applying it, it looks so glossy and gives your lips a slight tint of colour.

The dark pink lip balm was very similar; smooth and glossy, but this time there was no colour to it, giving the orange lip balm the edge.

Overall, this pack is definitely worth the price, next time you're near your local pound shop, pop in and take a look, you might be surprised at what you find! So I hope you all liked this post, I'd love to know what you think of these products :).

Emily xo
Please excuse me for a moment while I go and run to the poundshop! Thanks for the post, Emily! The packs look amazing! I'm seriously going to be keeping my eyes peeled next time I'm in a poundworld or a poundland! I hope everyone else enjoyed the post as much as I did- and don't forget to go and follow Emily's blog!
See you all on Friday, with a post from myself! :D

Exam Update: 1 down, 12 to go...


  1. Thanks again for inviting me as one of the people to guest post :D ! And I just need to say before I go, I love the theme of your blog! It's so fun :D xx

  2. Those polishes look really good, I've always tended to avoid them in Poundland but I'll give them a go! (Just to say I'm an avid bargain hunter in Poundland, it's like I never leave...)

    1. You can also find the Miss Sporty polishes in Superdrug (and possibly Boots, too)
      I have a turquoise and a metallic-y blue by them, and they're both pretty awesome :) But obviously they'll be cheaper in poundland hehe. At least they're cheap enough from poundland that if they're rubbish it's not a huge waste! ^^ Enjoy! :D


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