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A Blogger's Bookshelf: Insurgent

Happy Monday!
You know, considering this whole no-school for two weeks thing, I am shattered! But I finished the second book of the Divergent series!
Just wow. What did I just read!?

So many feelings in this book! Literally a roller-coaster of emotions. The cover here, shows the Amity symbol of a 'peaceful' tree being swept around in a bit of a whirlwind. Pretty much sums the book up really!
Throughout the book, there were a lot of downs, just as many ups, a whole lot of sniffles and a whole lot of "Let me just punch this guy in the face and get it over with". The thing is though, a lot of the book was so much of an emotional blur that I hardly remember what's happened... (Just kidding!)
There was way too much drama to forget all of that. There were many more deaths, a lot of arguing and deception and lies and I just.... Yeah. I forgot to breathe in some parts of this book, it was that dramatic.
(No spoilers, I promise)
Okay so generally, the story picks up where it left off at the end of the last book, and a lot of the first part takes place in Amity headquarters, which explains the Amity symbol being on the cover of the book.
The whole thing gets a little messy in the middle (not the way it's written, just literally messy) and there's loads more character development- you learn much more about Four, Marcus, Jeanine and Tris. You learn way more about Jeanine actually... She's pretty important for the book! You also learn a little bit more about a few of the side characters, Caleb and Peter in particular.
The events of the book are also very believable (for Dystopia :P) and follow a very logical timeline, whilst also being so darn amazing and setting the whole thing up very very very nicely for the third and final instalment of the trilogy, Allegiant.
So, yes, once again, Veronica Roth, this is a great book!
If you're sitting here reading this and have read Divergent but keep putting off reading Insurgent, go and buy it now, cause you genuinely just can't leave the story hanging after Divergent, you really can't.

I've actually started Allegiant already, and I just wanted to add that I cried on Chapter 2. Chapter TWO. It wasn't even sad... It was just the most adorable thing in the entire world and I'm just so happy that it was written. *dies of cuteness*

Anyway, hopefully I shall finish that before Monday next week and have a whole lot of goodness to blab about!
If you've read any good books lately, or if you've read any of the above, please let me know your thoughts and what not in the comments below! I love reading your comments!

Also (final thing I swear), I'm looking for 2-3 people to do book-related guest posts for me in May (12 & 26th) and June (9th), so if you know anybody who would be up for it, or if you yourself are up for it, then let me know either in a comment, on Facebook, on Twitter or by email! It'd be a huge help!

See you all soon!

Coming up this week...
Wednesday: Wail: Easter Nails!
Friday: Fridail: Radiant Orchid- Colour of the Year
Monday: A Blogger's Bookshelf: Allegiant


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