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Glossybox Pop Art Edition!

Hi! I'm so excited for this post, you lot literally have no idea...

This month's Glossybox was so good!!!

The theme was "pop art" and came in this adorable box. I'm seriously just going to keep all the boxes that everything's sent in because they are b-e-a-utiful!

So this month, Glossybox were trying something different- online product cards instead of printed ones in the box. (Feel free to "oooh" and "aaah"). It was pretty cool as I received a link by email to a product card, which meant I could choose whether to see it before my box was delivered or not, and also that I could paste the link to some friends and be all excited about what I was about to receive in the post. Aaah yes, that was a good email!

The wrapping is still as adorable in the box as the outside is- though my bow didn't quite survive the journey.

And voila! Products galore!!

To start with, there's a "Masque Creme Fraiche" (which even comes in a box!) by Nuxe (here's a link to their site!), pictured on the left. It's a full sized product, worth £19.95 for the 50ml. It's described as a "skin soothing and rehydrating fresh mask", designed to be used once or twice a week and is simply supposed to sit on your skin for 10 minutes before being fully massaged in using your fingertips. Which means no messy trying to get yoghurt-like stuff off your face (I experienced this difficulty the other day, in our lovely student accommodation shared-bathroom... Thankfully nobody was around at the time). So yes, I think I will like this very much! 

Next up, pictured on the right there, is another full sized product- this time a "liplift peel" which is basically a lip exfoliator. It's definitely not a peel, cause you have to wipe it off... But anyway! It's worth €12.95 for the 15ml tube, which is approximately £10. The formula is very soft and creamy, with itty bitty beady/sandy molecules in it, which work as the exfoliator. All you have to do it rub it onto your lips in circular motions, and then remove it again with a damp cotton pad after around a minute. Now my lips start to die as soon as it gets colder round here (which is... all the time, actually...) so this is a life saver for me! And it's left my lips feeling soft and ready to apply whatever colour lipstick I want to apply, without fear! It's a win-win.

Next we have a mascara from "So Susan", which is a brand I've actually heard of, but haven't bought anything from before, so here's to trying something new! I'm also in need of a new mascara, so that's perfect timing thank you Glossybox! Another full-sized product, this time at a price of £14.95 for the 4ml tube. It's official name is the "flutter mascara", and it is formulated with 'hyaluronic spheres'... whatever they are (if you know- drop me a comment!?). Two coats are recommended to give you curly, voluminous lashes- I shall try this out over the weekend and keep you all updated via social media!

Last three products.... First of all, on the left there, is a Ciaté polish 'paint pot' in the shade 012 Knickerbockerglory. It's a bright pink (out of all the colours I could've got, I got the pink, of course), but I'm sure I can find a good use for it! Swatch will appear on here some time next week! This is the final full-sized product of the box, and can be bought for £9 for the 13.5ml bottle. Two coats are suggested on the product card, so we shall see about that...

Chilling in the top right hand corner there is a Matte BB Cream from Rimmel London. I tried it out on my hand, but it was a couple of shades off to be able to try it nicely on my face, so I didn't bother there... It also wouldn't photograph very well on my hand, so you'll have to take my word for it when I say that the formula felt nice and creamy, and it did dry nice and matte. Though, I can imagine if you use too much, it'll look 'cakey' easily, and will probably cling to drier patches of skin. The full size product costs £6.99 for 30ml, so that makes this 8ml sample worth approximately £1.86

Down in the bottom right corner is a beautiful perfume sample from Yves Rocher France. The perfume is called "Quelques Notes D'Amour" which translates to "Some Notes On Love" (aww!). As described on the product card, this scent is supposed to "encapsulate the feeling of falling in love through fusing notes of rose, guaiac wood and patchouli." Now, I have absolutely no idea what guaiac wood and patchouli smell like, nor can I describe the feeling of falling in love, but this perfume smells absolutely beautiful, in a strong yet delicate way, and I can definitely recognise notes of rose coming through. It's a nice fresh scent, and not overly floral, which personally is a plus! Full size for this product is £33 for 30ml, leaving this 5ml sample worth £5.50.

In Conclusion...
What a wonderful second box!! I think I'll get plenty of use out of everything here, except the BB Cream, but I can throw that at a friend with a slightly lighter complexion. 
The total 'worth' of this box comes to approximately £61.26! Wowzers...
That basically means that after only two boxes I've got my money's worth for my 6-month subscription. Sure, last month's box was a bit hit-and-miss, but this one definitely makes up for it!

Did you get this month's Glossybox? What are your thoughts on it? Leave a comment below!

I can't wait 'til next month's box! Keep your eyes peeled for any product follow-ups floating around the blog over the next few weeks, between swatches of all the polishes I still need to swatch. Have a great weekend, see you on Monday!


  1. This looks like an insanely good box.. I actually want one now! I would get it if I didn't have to buy subscription :(

    I think the perfume, mascara and face mask are my fav items. I'll be looking forward to seeing your mascara review!

    Ayesha xxx

    1. I look forward to trying the mascara hehe :) You can get the monthly subscription (£10 + p&p per month) and then cancel at the end of your month? Then you get the October box, but don't have to get the November one. I think as long as you cancel by the 31st, you're good :)
      The perfume smells really nice, and lasts really well too! I've had it on since 8am this morning- it's now 12:10pm and I can still smell it on my wrist, despite walking up and down the streets to lectures :)
      Thanks for your comment! <3


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