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Wail: Barry M Persian Swatch!

Hey everyone!
Hope you're all having a good week, and happy October! :O Wow, September's flown past...

Today I'm bringing you a swatch of one of the pretty polishes I picked up at the weekend. I chose to swatch this one first because I couldn't find a swatch of it at the time... Though now I have been beaten to it. But never mind- here it is anyway! :)

Ah, Persian! What a beautiful duo/multi-chrome polish! Barry M have done it again, and made a beautiful addition to their Aquarium collection.

This "multi-chrome" polish, as they're generally known in nail-polish World, runs through quite a broad spectrum of colours, skipping through a brown-bronze-gold shade, a lilac, a purple and a shade that can only be described as purple-blue. Seriously, the range on this polish is unbelievable! 

I was actually sat in a lecture today just tilting my nails in different ways to explore the colours in them (the lecture was dull and the theatre had pretty darn good lighting!).

So yeah, if you want a preeeetty duo-chrome polish with purples, blues and a random goldy colour, this is definitely your polish! And at only £3.99 in Boots, Superdrug and , you can't really complain can you!? 
PS. This polish totally reminds me of "Aladdin". I think it's the colours. 

Have a fab rest-of-week, and I'll see you on Friday where I'll be swatching another polish from my weekend-haul! (I'd say which, but I have no idea yet!)
Don't forget to enter the giveaway for a BarryM mascara!


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