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Wail: OMG Nail Strips!*

*This post contains items which were supplied for review. In this post, these items are "OMG Nail Strips"

Hey everyone!
Today I have some super cool 'nail polish strips' to show you by in the designs "Love me" and "Rain Storm".

They come in a little cardboard fold-around in a plastic pack of 14 nail strips (that's individual nail strips), and each one has a little measurement on it so you can measure your nail and find which will fit best without trying to scrunch it around your nail before hand. There are some application instructions on the back of the pack too, so there's no need to go hunting them out! Plus, I made a tutorial for you guys anyway!

First of all, here's a pic of my first attempt a these nail strips- I used the design "Love me" here, and a 'nail girls' topcoat.

When I was applying them, I managed to split the strip slightly on my index finger and get a fold on the strip next to it. The split did definitely not serve me well later, as even after sealing with a topcoat, it caught on things and split the whole strip down the nail, peeling it off. So do beware! 

Another issue I encountered with this design, was that it was a little too 'tall'- specifically the white nail, as the flower very barely fit onto my nail. Also the "Love me" design (ring finger) was very very tight, and didn't leave much room for a trim is necessary.

So taking heed of the 'practice' run, I was now equipped to do a good mani using nail strips- and I also wanted to show the world that you don't have to do a whole hand using the strips as they work really nicely for highlight nails. 
As if by magic, the umbrella mani was born! These nail strips are "Rain Storm"

And here's the tutorial that I promised earlier...

1. (After prepping your nails by removing any old polish, buffing, washing, and carefully pushing back your cuticles...) Size up the right nail strip for your nail! They may not be a perfect match, so pick the strip closest to your nail size, and carefully tear it from the rest of the pack.
2. If the strip isn't already a perfect match, you can trim the edge of the strip off using a pair of small nail scissors.

3. Peel off the plastic top-coating, and then remove the nail strip from the paper backing. Carefully line it up and apply the nail strip to the bottom of your nail- try not to stick it to your cuticle!
4. Smooth out the sides of the strip, tucking it along your nail bed and avoiding trapping any bubbles. I found that using the flat end of an orange stick was pretty useful here!

5. Cut off the large part of the remaining nail strip, leaving just a little left. Smooth the rest of the sticker onto your nail now, up to the tip.
6. Grab that nail file, and file in a downward motion (not left-right like usual) to remove the excess, and seal in your strip with a top coat! Make sure you run the topcoat over the tip of your nail too, to seal it in nicely. Tadaaa! Note that the general strength of your topcoat will have an influence on how long these stay on for! Using a Barry M topcoat has kept them on pretty well, with at least 5 days of wear (and then they wore a little and I changed my mani ^^)

(Woops, trapped some dirt in there with the strip!)

The strips leave such a cute, easy effect on your nails- letting you look like you've done loads of work on your mani, but you haven't! Who could ask for more?

Polishes used to add to the cheerfulness of this design are Essie "Bazooka" (Orange), Models Own Diamond Luxe Emerald Green and Oval Plum.
I deem this mani the "Manchester Mani" due to the umbrellas, rain, and brightness- I mean, who doesn't want bright nails to cheer everyone up from all this rain!?

In conclusion then, the OMGNailStrips are very very good, and not overly-complex to use, though I'd definitely recommend a practice run! Either way, it's definitely a lot easier (in my opinion) than using tiny brushes to get a cute nail art design, and I would recommend these to a friend!

Currently, there's a special offer where you can buy:
*5 sets of nail polish strips for $25 using the code "5pack" (approx £16)
*10 sets of nail polish strips for $45 using the code "10pack" (approx £30)
(Shipping is free, anywhere!)

OMGNailStrips have also provided their own online instructions, which can be found here.
You can also find OMGNailStrips on Facebook, and Instagram @omgnailstrips!

I hope you enjoyed this post, and I shall catch you again on Friday!


  1. Faaaaaaaab! So weird, I have literally just read an email by the company asking if I would like to review some of these and I ALMOST chose the umbrella ones! They're awesome! Love the tutorial it will be very helpful for when mine arrive! :) I also love that you mixed the strips with nail polish, it fits so well :) xx

    1. Thanks! :) I wanted to try the penguin ones but they were out of stock at the time so I got the flower ones :3 but their designs are so adorable! I look forward to your review :D xx

    2. I wanted the penguin ones too! Mine arrived yesterday, I got some cute cat ones and then this really cool peacock pattern because I thought they would look fab when they're on :D x

    3. Ooo the peacock ones look cool! I can't wait to see your post on them :D x


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