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Life, Feedback and Plan of Action...

Hello dearies! :)

So, as you are probably aware, the giveaway has now ended, and the winners announced- so congrats to those two! The giveaway helped to collect lots of feedback on the site, including the things you guys like most, and those which you'd like to see- so thanks everyone for doing that!

Anyway, since it's been a while since I've blabbed a little on here, I thought I'd update you all with my life! Uni has all of a sudden become a whirlwind of frantically trying to catch up on notes for lectures, doing online assignments, reading loads of books, attempting to socialise, keeping track of what's happening when and keeping up with old friends and the rest of life (eating, sleeping, cooking, cleaning).
All in all though, things are gooood (minus a hectic weekend including food sickness and a friend visiting from home) and manageable, though I have missed two blog posts recently... We'll just skim over that though- enough about me!

So let's get on with the main show- feedback from the giveaway entrants!
We're gonna start with the positives and then move onto the improvements and plan of action.

Positives: You guys generally liked the "Look After Them" and "How-To" guides, my writing style, reviews and swatches, plus the variety of polishes, colours and designs that can be found!

Improvements: You'd like to see some reviews of more current polishes, more polishes which are "affordable to students", more nail art and guides, some trends, advice for beginners, nail biters and advice on healthy nails on the inside through vitamins etc. You'd also like to see an improvement in finding specific posts, some favourite brand posts and a newsletter!

A few other bits of feedback I'd just like to clarify are- "larger image sizes"- you can click the image directly on the post to bring it up in a larger size, "videos as well as images"- this may be a good thing to expand into in the future, but I currently don't have the time or equipment it takes to shoot, voice over and edit videos, though I appreciate the suggestion! Also another was "more competitions!" which I'd of course love to do, but I'd like to focus on the blogging side of things again for now.

So taking all of this in mind, the current plan of action is to....
*Add at least one nail-art mani a week- probably on a Monday! I already have ideas for these too
*Try and add in more 'current' polish colours- though I'm not going to say this will definitely happen
*Do more guidance posts including "How to stop nail biting" and others
*Do a few break-downs of my favourite brands/collections
*Add a newsletter! This will probably be fortnightly but I'm working on this as you read!

But wait, something has already happened...
I've added a search bar in the strip on the right, so you can now search for any random word (try, "rating" as an example) and it brings up any posts which include that word- starting with any posts with the word in the title. There's also the 'labels' section in the side bar, where you can click a label and it will take you to all the posts with that label.

I shall go and sort out this newsletter thing then- expect a post before the night is up and then maybe tomorrow too!
See you soon! :)


  1. Great post, it's good that you got a lot of feedback, I think that's something I will have to do in the future to find out more about what my readers like :)

    1. It was pretty useful ^^ And gives me a direction to go in with posts, I'm generally so casually "what to do next" when thinking about it that I end up swatching :P So it's nice to have the input! :)


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