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The Failure Dragon

Hey everyone!

Today's post is a bit of an "Ooops, I failed today" mani. I'd blame it on the water decals, but I'm actually pretty sure it's my own fault, so I won't do that!

Here's the little beauty that wants to fly onto some nails- isn't he gorgeous!? Not that you have to cut him into strips yourself, but it's easy to do, and you do get enough for two hands.

So mistake number 1- I realised on the packet that it actually says to paint a base colour on first. I assumed this wouldn't make much of a difference and actually thought they'd be pretty opaque anyway. I was wrong! I think the lack of even a base coat was not a good choice at all, and as you can maybe see, some of the design is actually transparent.

You could end up with a pretty gold and purple dragon. Yet I've ended up with my nude nail showing through (oh well). 

I also encountered more issues, which made them look a mess. This is that after patting them dry with a paper towel and waiting a moment, I applied a topcoat... and most of the design disintegrated. That is, the excess on the outside seemed to have a clear line which could just be pulled away. 

I was wrong (as per), and it actually ripped off a bit of the design from the nail too. I think part of this is me being impatient, and another part is that I didn't have a base coat underneath so there was a lack of substance for it to adhere to. 

I ended up filling in any super-noticeable blanks I could see with a black stamping polish (it's the only black I have with me!) and continued with my usual activities pretending I didn't fail as hard as I did. 
But hey, every fail in life is a learning curve, and now I know what not to do! Patience is a virtue and all that!

Thanks for reading- I'll appreciate any luck you have to send me for my next water decals adventure, which will be on Friday!
First of all though, I shall see you Wednesday for another Game of Thrones mani.
Catch you then! :)


  1. Oh honey, honey! If this is your fail water decal manicure I won't stop wondering why did I bother to post mine LOL If you ask me this is great, I suck at water decals :'(

    1. Aw don't be silly!! It's just practice :) Thanks ^^'


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