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Mail: It's the Most Sparkly Time of the Year!

Merry December everyone! You know what that means... You can't complain at the mention of Christmas anymore! Go on, get the tree up, and all the glitter out- you know you want to ;)

To kick off the December spirit, I cracked open some of my new things (see yesterday's post!), and got sparkly! Also, don't forget that you can click any images to enlarge them!

Mm mmm! I actually got two mani's out of the glittery nails before they started to wear out a little, and just changed the holo colours. So let's start with the glitters!

They come from this beautiful kit from Nails Inc- the Bling It On: Midnight set. Inside are 2 bottles of glitter, a brush, a 'glitter holder' thing for when you're rolling your nail in glitter, a mini Blenheim Terrace polish and a mini Kensington Caviar Top Coat.

The polish is a super rich dark blue, which shows through the glitter above. This glitter is made up of tiny little feather-like strips in colours of blue, grey and holographic, and can give a little of a pinky appearance in some lights, which you shall see later!

The other glitter is made up of tiny little grains in super dark blues and blacks, with a few grains which are more sparkly. However, after applying the top coat (which is pretty much vital as it ensures no glitter falls off), the glitter kinda dulled down, which was super disappointing but it made the odd flicker which did shine through even more exciting.

I guess this brings us onto the Holographic polishes then...? They're so beautiful, the images seriously don't do them justice- but here's some anyway. The two following polishes are both Color Club, and purchased from the Nail and Beauty Link. First up is "Angel Kiss" which is a stunning holo green.

I'd never had any coloured holographic polishes before these, and just wow. I genuinely never want to go back to normal polish! Just look at the way the light reflects on these- it's incredible!

I couldn't stop looking at my nails and experimenting with what colours I could see whilst it was on my nails. Absolutely amazing.

Finally, I have "Cosmic Fate" to show you which is a pretty pinky slight-coral shade, with added holographicness of course!

Just look at it! It makes me sad that it's no longer on my nails. And look at the glitter nail on the left too- it's catching the light in a slight pinky-way, which makes the pink holo match is even more perfectly.

Seriously in love with holo polishes. So in love. Here's a close-up for you all! (Yay, my camera obeyed!)

These polishes have successfully created a wonderful start to a shimmery, sparkly December. Here's to the run up to Christmas everyone!
Expect more Winter Wonderland magic on Wednesday- and I have a clue to what the post is on... let me know if you guess the theme in a comment below! ;)

Clue: The cold never bothered me anyway...


  1. These nails just make me so happy! I love this time of the year for the amount of sparkle that springs forth :D The ciate kit looked cool but it's a shame the glitter dulled :( All of those holos though <3 <3

    1. Thank you! Sparkle is the best :D And holos are officially my new favourite polishes hehe!

  2. So sparkly and pretty I love those color club holos just gorgeous!

  3. OOohhhh sparkly, I love me a good holo and these ones are STUNNING!

    1. Maybe you could point me towards a few more? :D

  4. I have seen the Nails Inc kits in TK Maxx and always passed over them as I thought they may be messy, but they look good. The CC holos have been my most reached for recently, particularly Kismet for some reason

    1. Nah the Nails Inc kits really aren't as messy as you'd expect! The little trough thing that comes with it holds the glitter really well and has a little funnel end so you can get the glitter back into the pot easily :)
      And I nearly bought Kismet! I can't remember what changed my mind- probably everything else I bought!

  5. Wow ! those holos look amazing! I'm not usually a fan of bar glitter, but that Nails Inc really stands out!

  6. All these glitters and holos look amazing together! Were they hard to remove? Or are you still rocking them both! These results just make holo nail polishes even more irresistible...

    1. Thanks! They all removed surprisingly easily, the holo's came off like a dream really, and I filed the glitter down a little before attacking it with the cotton ball but it didn't take any longer than a normal glitter polish :)

  7. I really like the silver holo glitter but I can never be bothered with all that faff!

    1. Hahaha, sometimes it's worth it though! :)

  8. Holos and glitter? yes please! Although I'm not a big fan of loose glitter, what you did looks pretty :)


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