Greetings! Wooo time got away from me for a couple of weeks. Has it really been so long already? My apologies to any of you who have been eagerly waiting for new swatches (I know I have)! To make it up to you I've got a swatch for you today which, in my opinion, is pretty "in season" right now. I'm talking about the Rose Gold trend that's been going on for a year or two now - who would of known it would become so popular? Today's nail polish is: OPI 'Sprung'. It sounds like it should be a spring green kinda colour... but nope! This polish is a beautiful rose-gold kind of colour with a perfect amount of shimmer to be classy and sophisticated. Don't believe me? Here it is! Fact File: Brand: OPI Polish Name: Sprung # of coats: 3 + (applies quite thin) Finishing Texture: Smooth, shimmer Cost: £3.10 at the time of writing, on So I paired this polish with this gel-finish dotty topcoat... thing. That sadly, has no n...
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