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Showing posts from April, 2015

GoT: House Targaryen!

Haiiiii everyone! So it's technically Thursday right now but I'm gonna skim over that and point out that it's a "The Fandoms Strike Back!" Game of Thrones day today! Today's post is focussing on my second favourite House of the series... House Targaryen! (Cue sassy dragons... or sassy dragon nails?)


Bonjour everyone! Today's post is a liiiiiittle bit late due to a university assignment, but the others are all going to be late this week too so don't worry about it. For today anyway I have a cute slightly-Spring, slightly-Winter mani for you with a feature of the Eiffel Tower thanks to a cute little water decal I received oh-so-long-ago during Christmas.

You Will Go to the Ball!

Hey everyone! So it was my friends' hall ball at Uni here last night, that me and another friend crashed as their 'plus ones'! It was such an amazing night and I wish we could do it all over again. It was held in a Hilton hotel, and so we got a mini red carpet and champagne welcome, which, I'm not going to lie, I could definitely get used to!

GoT: House Stark

Hey everyone! The Fandoms are continuing to 'Strike Back' today, and House Stark is leading the battle in Game of Thrones! Image credit to HBO I think the Starks are my favourite house in the GoT universe, so it seemed like a good place to start for the second half of the Game of Thrones manis- the Houses!

Did Somebody Lose a Phoenix?...

... I found some of its feathers! Hey everyone! Today, as you can probably see, I have some gold feather water decals to show you all! These are super cute yet pretty sophisticated too and would probably be good for a special event.

Bonus Post! The usual...

Hey everyone! I thought I'd do a little bit of a bonus post for y'all today to show you what I've bought recently, from none other than Born Pretty Store, of course!

Spotted Water Marble!

Hey everyone! :) Today's post is a water marble... with a twist! Instead of a typical swirly marble, this is more of a marble-overlay, with as base colour underneath.

GoT: Winter is Coming...

Hey everyone! It's Wednesday today, that makes it The Fandoms Strike Back  day, and therefore, Game of Thrones nail day! The new season started officially on Sunday (US) or Monday (UK), let me know what you thought of the first episode? I personally found it amazing! This post, as you probably saw by the title, has some (cue Jon Snow voice...) "Winter is Coming..." nails. I wasn't entirely sure what I was going to do for these, but when I sat down the other night I reached for some dark blues and frosty coloured polishes and then realised that they kinda fit. And so, the frosted nails were born, since yknow, frost comes with winter... and... yeah... :)

Pink, pink and more... pink!?

Hey everyone! This post was meant to go up on Friday but I kinda forgot to write it (oops) so it's here for y'all today! Anyway, after wearing a couple of mani's featuring blues and darker colours, I did something a bit out of the ordinary for me... I went to my nail drawer, and picked out... Pinks. (On purpose!) I guess my subconscious fancied some brighter summery colours for a change- who knew I had it in me, right!?

GoT: White Walkers...

Hey everyone! I hope you had a wonderful Easter weekend and didn't hate going back to work too much! Today marks the return of the Game of Thrones posts, with none other than the creepy monsters which keep popping up every now and again... The White Walkers. ( Creepy, right?

Foil Fail!

Hey guys! So today I'm going to show you what not  to do with nail foils. That is, how not to apply them (unless you like them like this, in which case, go for it!). This post will also be a little short as my camera threw a bit of a hissy fit because it's batteries are almost dead and I don't have any new ones handy. Hopefully I'll fix that before Wednesday's post! As you can tell, the foils didn't exactly work as expected... Those patches on the black nails are meant to be feathers, except the whole feather didn't exactly transfer. It doesn't matter so much on the blue nails since the colours are pretty similar and therefore blend a little. Actually, it kinda works on the black nails too as it makes them look a little bit... galaxy-like?  Ah, whatever, it was a total fail.  If you're gonna use foils, unless you want them to be all patchy and cool (which can seriously look amazing some times!), I'd recommend using actual foil ...

March... in Nails!

Hey guys! Today I thought I'd pop the little collage of March's nails over here for you to check out. I'll add the links to each post in a list below in case you missed anything! As you can see, a mere 6 manis were posted this month (the shame!) but I hope to improve this number up to at least 9 for April!

South Africa!

Hey everyone! I'm back from possibly the best 10 days ever in South Africa- I hope you enjoyed the two guest posts and didn't miss me too much ;) So to summarise and tell you all about it I'm just going to run through our time there! (As you may have guessed, there was no wifi at the place we were staying, hence no updates while I was away) After travelling for a good 26 hours or so, we finally reached Johannesburg and got on a coach up to where we were staying. Here's a quick snap on the way, the views were seriously gorgeous!

Guest: Spring Holo Stamping!

Hey everyone! Today's post is being brought to you by Bethany from B Nailed to Perfection ! The mani she's created is gorgeous, just like her other ones are, so make sure you check out her blog when you get a moment! ----------------- I have a quick post today using my new holo from Color Club, Miss Bliss. It is absolutely stunning! I've been a bit obsessed lately with holographic polishes. I actually managed to get some sunlight and snapped a picture before I stamped over it.