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Spotted Water Marble!

Hey everyone! :)

Today's post is a water marble... with a twist! Instead of a typical swirly marble, this is more of a marble-overlay, with as base colour underneath.

I admit, my particular colour choice makes it look like I spilled a pot of ink over my nails, but alas, this is a water marble! All you have to do is set up your cup of water, drop some polish into it (Barry M's Gellys work like a dream) and then spray something into it. You can use a spray bottle containing water, or even just a spritz of perfume. I used some spray I got in a Christmas gift set. 

Once you've sprayed and your polish has spread out a little bit, so holes are present but they aren't huge gaping ones, lower your nail in at a slight angle. This will get the layer of polish onto your nail- now just wait for the surrounding parts to dry on the water before twisting them away with a cotton bud or cocktail stick. 

My chosen base colour was Morgan Taylor's "Best Ball Gown Ever" and is a b-e-a-utiful pale blue with a gorgeous golden tone shimmering through it. Marbled over this is Barry M's Gelly Blue Grape. As I said earlier, these marble like a dream, and they aren't too expensive either- which is another bonus for marbling as it uses a lot of polish.

It's a pretty cool effect that could be used for so many designs, such as an animal print style design, or bubbles, or lava lamp nails! 

So I hope you enjoyed this post- let me know if you have any questions on how to do it or just want to leave your general thoughts on how it looks by leaving a comment below!

I'll try and get some step-by-step pics up for this marble at some point!
See you's soon, have a wonderful weekend! :)


  1. Really like this look :) & the Barry M Gelly nail polishes are my favourite! x

    1. Thanks! They're definitely one of my favourites too :) x


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