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South Africa!

Hey everyone!

I'm back from possibly the best 10 days ever in South Africa- I hope you enjoyed the two guest posts and didn't miss me too much ;)

So to summarise and tell you all about it I'm just going to run through our time there! (As you may have guessed, there was no wifi at the place we were staying, hence no updates while I was away)

After travelling for a good 26 hours or so, we finally reached Johannesburg and got on a coach up to where we were staying. Here's a quick snap on the way, the views were seriously gorgeous!

When we got there we just sorted rooms, settled in and had food etc before sleeping for a while. The next day was when the real fun began, and waking up to a huge moth hanging outside our front door and a beautiful sunrise is definitely something I'm missing right now.

On this day we got to go on our first game drive and organise our research topics and groups, before doing some pilot data collection on Monday. There were loads of antelope and warthog around the site, as well as a few zebra and some birds, but on Tuesday we went to Pilanesberg national park, and we saw pretty much everything except predators- so here are these pics!

It seriously was easily one of the best days of my life, seeing all of the animals- even if they aren't 100% wild, they certainly seem it. Anyway, back where we were staying we had to do 4 days worth of data collection for our projects, which for us involved seeing lots and lots of antelope, then we had to analyse and present it the last couple of days, so not much happened in terms of picture taking.

During one of our data-collecting days however, we saw a couple of baby goats only a few hours after being born. They were so cute and fluffy! I need one to keep in my garden please? 

I feel like the 10 days away from the internet, blogging and any generally less interesting work, alongside being in Africa, has really opened my eyes to the World. It's impossible to explain how, but I feel like I have much more respect for it, and tolerance towards people, and I feel so much calmer knowing that beautiful places like this exist. Also, there's a little bit of the sense that you really can do anything you set your mind to if you set it up right.

Until next time, Africa. 


  1. Lovely post, I'm happy that you enjoyed the trip :D Those baby goats look adorable I need one in my life <3

    1. Thank you! They're so beautiful and fluffy and soft and gah I need one too!!


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