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Showing posts from 2015

OPI "Comet in the Sky"*

*This post contains items which have been for review by In this post these items are "OPI Comet in the Sky" and "Seche Vite Topcoat"  Hey everyone! So, as promised, I'm back with post 2.0 for OPI's Comet in the Sky polish which was kindly sent to me by You can check out the super messy part 1 right here! Hopefully with this post you'll be able to see the glitter in a much better light and also decide which colour you think it looks best on! Without further ado, here are some preeeeetty pictures. Highlighted on the thumb nail is two coats of Morgan Taylor's "All White Now" followed by two coats of "Comet in the Sky". Layering the glitter over the white is a great way to see all the black flecks and small hexes, but you don't really see the pearly larger-glitters as much. Personally, not my favourite, but you may love it! Over on this nail I've got two coats of Barry M...

OPI Swatches from!

Hey everyone! So this week I've been a bit of a mess, and this reflects a little in the carelessness of my nails, so I do apologise in advance. But the most important thing here is that you get to see the pretty colours that OPI have managed to create and that happily supplied me with!


Hellooooo everyone! Long time no see, but I have (at last) returned, yay! And not only have I returned but I've teamed up with a rather exciting website-  - which will be featured for the whole of this week as they sent me some extremely nice looking items that I can't wait to share with you all :) ---serious paragraph--- Also, after this week there's gonna be a bit of a change up to the site- that is, I'll be posting once  per week. As the opportunities (time-wise) arise I may post twice a week, but as I figure out where to fit everything into my life again I'm cutting it down to one, I hope you all understand! ---seriousness over--- Back to - here is the package in question that I was definitely more than happy to receive! I was actually having a really terrible day until I arrived home to find this waiting for me - especially since all I was expecting was two bottles of nail polish. So thank you so much indeed! Pac...

The Disappearing Act

Hey folks! So it's been about a month since I last posted, what happened there?! Life's just been pretty darn busy, what with uni and everything starting again - plus I bagged myself a part-time job so time is on the short side, leaving the blog to grow dust somewhere in the background. My job also requires clean finger-nails and that means less time to wear nail polish and do nails (dun dun dun). However I do plan to jump back into here at some point and have a great re-appearing act, hopefully within the next couple of weeks! And on that note, I have to go back to my studies, so catch you all soon!

Life Update!

Hey everyone! Been quite a while since one of these (I think?), so I thought I'd give you the scoop on what's happening in my life right now. The past couple of weeks have been a bit of a haze of getting ready to go back to Uni, and also a nice little 7 day all-inclusive holiday in Lanzarote, before returning back home for a couple of days. Some thoughts and a specific Timehop app have also made me realise how things have changed in the past year (both good and bad) and how much everyone's grown up and moved on from sixth form, including myself I'd like to think... though I'm still grasping onto all the "childish" things that make me happy like Disney, and stuffed animals. I feel like these are even more important to hold onto now that I'm onto the last year of my teens. At this very moment in time, I'm having a sick day in my PJ's in bed feeling sorry for myself and trying to get some internet-things done before I give up and just go b...

Nail It For Rhinos!

Hey everyone! Hope you all had a lovely week off from myself and the blog. Things are kicking off again straight away with a post which is pretty important (and includes a fun nail art tutorial), so make sure you pay attention! As you may have guessed from the title, this post is about everyone's favourite dinosaur-looking animal, the Rhino... Now I've been lucky enough to see Rhinos close-up in a pretty wild environment (in Pilanesberg National Park, South Africa), but not everyone will be so lucky. Poachers are often after these beautiful animals for their horns- horrible, right!? What many people don't realise is that these Rhino's horns are made from keratin - the same protein as found in your own finger nails. And yet (I hope) you don't have poachers running after you to tear those off, so why should we let such things happen to the Rhinos, which are already critically endangered , by the way. I've teamed up with Save the Rhino  and their #N...

A Blogger's Bookshelf: Mr Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore

Hey peoples! Bonus post for you today- it's about time for A Blogger's Bookshelf! Today I have a super exciting post for you as despite it being one of my most recent reads, it's become one of my favourite books. Behold, Mr Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore by Robin Sloan . I give it an amazingly awesome 5 Stars.

Organisation: Colour Wheels!

Hey everyone! I re-organised my nail polish collection recently. Behold, the 340 polishes I own all swatched onto some fun colour wheels I bought from Amazon (pack of 10 for £1.50? Bar-gain!) It only took like... 2 weeks to do. While I was swatching them, I popped them all onto my polish list spreadsheet for you, complete with an extra sheet for ones I've thrown away and my gel polishes! Yay, organisation! The wheels are lettered and numbered on the back, with a dot and arrow on the front to let me know where number 1 is and in which direction it all goes. 

Metallic Blue Nail Wraps (Part 2)*

*This post contains "Metallic Blue Nail Wraps" sent from LadyQueen in exchange for an honest review. All views are 100% my own! Hey guys! If you missed my major fail-ness of Part 1, you can catch up with it right here ! Quick re-cap for those of you who don't wish to read it, or have read it and can't quite remember the going's on. I failed to apply some very shiny blue metallic nail wraps, and was looking for other ways to use them without getting a major bubble, crinkle or wear-down. And so, this time round, I tried a new approach- cutting shapes and sections from the remaining of the nail wraps, and I think it worked rather well! The remaining wraps...

Orly: Sparkling Garbage!

Hey guys! Hope you all had a fab bank holiday weekend :) ***New Favourite Polish Alert!!*** This is a very rare event, that I find a polish that is so beautiful (in my opinion, you may hate it) that I can call it a "favourite" out of my 340-ish others. But hi! Today I'm sharing my new favourite polish with you- Orly's Sparkling Garbage. All pics here are 3 coats of colour plus a clear top coat. These ones are taken in natural light:

Metallic Blue Nail Wraps* (Part 1)

*This post contains "Metallic Blue Nail Wraps" which were supplied in exchange of an honest review from LadyQueen Hey everyone! I'm baaaaack! I was gonna take another little break to get my thoughts back on track but after a couple of days of extra consideration I think I'm ready to get back into the swing of things. Life's too short to live in denial that things change and you have to just go with it. And so, here I am, yay!

Nail School!

Hey everyone! So over the past week or so I've been doing some training at The Beauty Academy in Manchester, to complete an NVQ Level 2 in Nail Services. So far I've learnt how to do a Manicure, Luxury Manicure, Pedicure, Luxury Pedicure, apply Gel Extensions and apply Acrylics. The hardest part was definitely  the acrylics, but it was all a pretty fun and interesting process- I feel like I've learnt a lot, and I still have loads to learn.

Arctic Animal Sticker Decals*

*This post contains an item supplied for free by LadyQueenBeauty in exchange for an honest review. All views are my own.  Hey everyone! Today I have a post for you containing some cute arctic animal stickers, and to continue the 'arctic' theme, some pretty blue polish as a background.

A Blogger's Bookshelf: The DUFF

Hi there! So while I was away, I read a few books. These 4, I do believe: To All the Boys I've Loved Before, by Jenny Han Ink and Bone, by Rachel Caine (which I already reviewed ) The DUFF: Designated Ugly Fat Friend, by Kody Keplinger (this post!) Written in Red, by Anne Bishop (which is part of a series, and will be reviewed soon)

I have returned!

Hey everyone! So I've returned from my travels (albeit minus my suitcase thanks to a power surge in Heathrow), and I guess that means I should get back to doing things instead of lazing around in the sun most of the day. And thus, this post was born- yay!

Lake Tahoe Travels!

Hey everyone! Sorry for the lack of posts- I've been enjoying the sun too much ;) Before I jump into the main point of this post, I have a few updates to share with you- read as few or as many as you like: Life stuffs: I return to the UK on Tuesday and will get back to blogging regularly from either Wednesday or Friday. I'm also going to be doing an NVQ in Nail a Technology to help me get a job whilst at uni, so whilst I'll be doing a looooot of nails, I won't be showcasing any of them on here. I will however still be doing my own nails too, and that is what will be posted so don't worry about that!  Nail stuffs: One of the first posts for when I get home will include some items I received for review, so keep your eyes peeled for that! There'll also be a few swatches too, and hopefully some other fun things! Book  stuffs: Some time last week I finished reading The DUFF (designated ugly fat friend) by Kody Keplinger, which I will get round to re...

A Blogger's Bookshelf: Ink and Bone

Well hey there! Before I dive write  in, I apologise if the format doesn't look too great- I'm restricted to writing this on my iPad, in some rather delightful 30c heat and sunshine (yay!). Anyway. Earlier today, I finished a book for the first time in a couple of weeks. Not only was it the book to get me out of my reading rut, but it was also pretty darn amazing and had me hooked pretty badly. The book in question is Rachel Caine's new book, Ink and Bone, which is also the first book of a new series for her- Novels of the Great Library.  As a rating, I give it a definite 9/10 (or 4.5/5 as I marked on Goodreads). It missed out on the full monty simply because I felt like it missed something, though I can't pinpoint what that something may be. The beginning of the book also took a little while to draw me in, though this could be because of my rut, and it wasn't really any longer than any other book would've taken.  This novel really does have ever...

The Polish Book!

Hey everyone! So a couple of weeks back I did something a little crazy, though totally fun... I swatched all my polishes into a book for easy pickings! Behold... the Polish book!

Nails Inc: Bruton Lane

Hey everyone! Today I have another swatch from Nails Inc for you, and it's a polish I think I've had in my stash for like... forever. Bruton Lane is its name and at some point, as the sticker on its lid is telling me anyway, it was a "trend shade". 

Nails Inc: Mayfair

Hey everyone! Hope you're all having a good week! Today I have a swatch for you of Mayfair, this pretty off-white polish from Nails Inc.

4th of July Nails!

Hello! I hope you all had a great weekend. As you know it was the 4th of July (American Independence Day) on Saturday, and so nails were done to commemorate the occasion.

New Layout!

Hey everyone! As you can probably (hopefully...) see, I spruced up the blog's design a little! I'd love to know what you think, so please do leave comments below, and click "Read More" to check out exactly what's new and where to find everything.

June Summary

Hey guys! So June lacked a lot of blog posts, and there's unfortunately only a mere 4 images to thread together in a summary. I popped them altogether for you anyway, and this month will be better! Top Row Left: Flamingo Stamping Right: Wiki'd Nails: Tesla Bottom Row Left: Wiki'd Nails: Bridge Right: Lion King Nail Art I think for my favourite nails I'm going to have to saaaay.... Flamingos. Simply because, flamingos! Lion King comes in a very close second mind! Which is your favourite mani for this month? :) Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Bloglovin'

Flamingo Stamping!

Hey! So the other week I bought some new stamping plates from MoYou London  including their gorgeous flamingo-themed Tropical 16 plate. As an animal-lover I just had to have this so much and I tried it out the day I got it!

Life Update!

Hello! So, first of all, my apologies to anyone who's been popping by in hope of new content in the past couple of weeks! I've been a bit awol as I'm sure you can tell, and needed a bit of a break from life really, I guess. All in all though things are good, and I have good news and bad news for you! First of all, the bad news, I'm going to be away for 3 weeks from mid-July, so posts will definitely not be regular and may not even be there at all. So that's your warning. Second of all on the negative front is that I don't plan to do any nail art, unless it's quick/easy or just decals/wraps. I've lost my mojo somewhere (if you find it, do feel free to send it back!).

A Blogger's Bookshelf: The Bone Season

Hey everyone! So it's been forever  since the last "Blogger's Bookshelf" instalment- the last one was in January in fact! I guess I haven't really been reading as much as I should've been. Anyway, today's book is "The Bone Season" by Samantha Shannon, so read on to find out a bit of info about the book, why I liked it, who else may like it and why you should consider reading it. Image from

Wiki'd Nails: Bridge

Hey everyone! Today's "Wiki'd Nails" prompt is Bridge . Soooo I chose my favourite/most sentimental bridge- Golden Gate Bridge . It's often pretty foggy around the area, so I wanted to try and incorporate that onto my nail design. (Image from And so, this is my attempt at a foggy Golden Gate Bridge nail design.

Lion King Nail Art!

Hey everyone! Over the weekend I tried a nail art tutorial by CutePolish , which I'll pop into the end of this post for you all to look at too! Here was my end result, which I'm pretty impressed with, to be honest!

Wiki'd Nails: Tesla

Hey everyone! Today's "Wiki'd Nails" Challenge subject is "Tesla"... of the Nikola Tesla variety. I must say, I recognised the name when I first read it but wasn't sure what he did. Apparently he's best known for the AC system in electricity, which sparked a few ideas to transfer onto nails. My first plan was going to be some lightning strike nails, but then I remembered about a new stamping plate I got...

May Nails Round-Up!

Hey everyone! It's officially the 1st June- yay! That also means that it's the end of my exams (though good luck to anyone who is still cursed with them) and therefore the end of my first year at Uni, which is a little scary and quite a bit 'yippeeee'. It's had ups and downs but I made it to the end, which is the most important thing, right? Aaaaanyway... Since May is over this calls for a round-up of May nails I do believe! There's 9 manis to gawk at today, so I hope you like them and I look forward to seeing June's roundup already.

Wiki'd Nails: The Water Babies

Hey everyone! It's Week 2 of the wiki challenge now, with the prompt for this being " The Water-Babies, a Fairytale for a Land Baby ". Basically from what I've read over on wiki, it's a book where someone gets turned into a 'water baby' and taught what is 'good' again by a few fairies and leaders and what not... Yay? All of the art for the book is in a pretty cool sketchy-painted kinda style so I wanted to try and capture that a bit, but I wanted to incorporate some stuff about the fairies, and of course the water, into my nails too, so this is what I came up with. (Major apology for the pic quality again, my camera and I will be reunited next week! And don't forget if you click a pic, you can make it bigger)