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Baking Day!

Hey everyone!
There's no Blogger's Bookshelf post today, cause I've been reading the Harry Potter's recently and you've already had a post on those! I've taken a quick one-book break though, so you will have a book post next week :)

So to make up for all of that, I brought you a quick little "what I did today" kind of post!
Well... today- I baked! My Mam set me the challenge of making a cupcake-shoe, which is pretty much a cupcake joined to a stick-like object to make it look like a heeled shoe.

So it's mixture time! Woop woop!

Mmm, bright red cake cases!

And the mixture's in... About to go in the oven!

All cooked! :)

I made a bit of a mess... oops!

But.... Tadaaaa! Slightly messy completely unprofessional shoe cake! I'm so proud that it actually worked, despite the mess that it looks!

And this is what i did to the rest of the cupcakes- the bows are made of a sugar-paper wafer that you had to glue together almost- and they're so adorable!

But then with all the fun, comes the washing up. Which isn't great for your nails, as I'm sure a lot of you know by now!

But hey, it was all worth it. 

Jealous? :D They're so yummy hehe!
And that's all for today! I'll be back tomorrow to showcase my nails (you can see one in the pic above!) which are a part of Life in Lacquer's challenge! The post will probably be up around lunch time, so enjoy these yummy pics for now. See you then!


  1. Okay, so now i desperately want to make cupcakes! they look so good

    1. Thanks! You should go and make some :D


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