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A Blogger's Bookshelf: Mercy Thompson 2-5

Hey everyone!
So a while back, I wrote a book-review-thing on the first Mercy Thompson book- "Moon Called". You can find that review here! All books are by Patricia Briggs.

Well, since then, I've now read the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th books in the series! Respectively, they are titled Blood Bound, Iron Kissed, Bone Crossed and Silver Borne. And they are... amazing.
They're so amazing that I want to share them with you all but also keep them all to myself... Does that make sense? :3 Have you experienced that feeling before?

So what are they all about? Well, through the 2nd and 3rd books, the 'love triangle' plot thickens and resolves (dun dun dun....) but it's handled in such an amazing way that still avoids the typical love-triangle features, and I'm not going to give any of it away (it's taking a lot of effort!). I'm gonna take you briefly through the books now, so pay attention!

Blood Bound
You may have guessed already, but this book focuses on the vampires and their issues- that Mercy gets dragged into, of course. We get to learn quite a bit more about Mercy and all the people she's close to in this book too, though the person we learn most about is Stefan, Mercy's friend, and Marsilla, vampire mistress. Anyway, through this book Mercy goes head-on against a demon-vampire... But who's behind it's creation, and who will it get the better of?

Iron Kissed
This book revolves around the fae, as they discover a number of murders amongst their people. They rope in Mercy to do some dirty-work for them, and arrest her fae-friend Zee. Many weird and wonderful things happen in this book as we get to uncover more about the fae as creatures, which is awesome! Though, near the end of the book something happens... I'm not going to reveal what, but it's a touchy subject, and Patricia Briggs has gently brushed over how it happened, which I think was a good thing to do, but she's kept up with the aftermath on Mercy's life and honestly, I think she's handled it pretty well, though I know some people may disagree.

Bone Crossed
From the beginning of this book, it's clear that Mercy has become the hunted instead of the hunter, so she does what all good people must do about this, and runs when it isn't possible to fight. The only issue is that she runs into more trouble instead of away from it- I mean, come on, this is Mercy we're talking about! So equipped with even more of her own worries, she tries to tackle yet another bad-guy. This book is centred around the vampires mostly, with little snippits of other supernaturals. Also, the 'trial' in this book (I think it's this book..) leading on from the previous book is absolute genius, and heartbreaking at the same time. That's all I'm gonna say...

Silver Borne
Oh wow this book felt different. Good different. It's still the same old Mercy, but it's another fae book, making it more wonderfully weird and magical than some of the other. It really is incredible though, and reveals some more of Samuel's history (yay, Sam!), whilst introducing some new characters with cool abilities.

So yeah... Why are you still here? Go and read these books if you haven't already and drop me a line somewhere (Facebook/comments) so we can blab on about these forever! Gooooo!


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