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Mail: Rimmel Velvet Matte Midnight Kiss Swatch!

Hello everyone!
Before we get started, it's very very nice to see you all here- my hugest apologies for being so bad with posting lately. Moving away from home really takes it out of you, and my Uni's "Welcome Week" timetable was craaazy! Though I got to go to Chester zoo... Which was awesome!

Anyway, let's crack on with the post shall we? 
Today, I'm bringing to you a recent release and purchase. Rimmel London's "Velvet Matte" polishes were released alongside their new Matte Apocolips range, and a new selection of some "Rimmel by Kate" products! 
I purchased three new polishes- two Velvet Matte's in the shade "Midnight Kiss" and "Sumptuous Red" (love the names!) which are a dark blue and pinky-purple, and also a new Salon Pro by Kate called "Saturn" which looks amazing. 

Today, I'm swatching Midnight Kiss for you guys, but keep an eye out for the other two coming this week!

As you can see then, Midnight Kiss is a very dark navy blue, which can appear almost black if the lighting is particularly poor in the room. It's very matte in appearance, which is good considering it's name, but still has what I like to describe as a 'healthy shine'.

Application is, at first, a pain in the butt. You do one coat of polish, right, and it 'mattifies' so quickly that if you go over it, it just smudges and you end up with lots of smudgy, messy gaps in your nails. It does even itself out a little, but not so much that if you scrape a hole in it, it'll just fix itself... If that makes sense.
So I have some application tips for you here: use very quick, even brush strokes, and then leave that nail alone for a little. Do the rest of your nails and go back round to it! Then be really light on your strokes and be super careful :)

I decided to add a topcoat today, since the colour's pretty nice and it'll be nice to compare, so here's a couple of pics with that! I left my ring fingernail matte so you could see a nice comparison, and the topcoat used was Barry M's "All in One". As you can see, it makes the colour look a little brighter, which (to me) is always a plus!

I have to dash now, so I hope you enjoyed this post and will check back on Wednesday and Friday to check out the other two polishes I purchased!
See you then!

Edit: It's been around a day and a half since I applied this.. and I have a chip on my non-top-coated thumb nail, plus another on my top-coated thumb nail :( Sad times!! 


  1. Gorgeous blue! And loved the flamingos (I went to Chester Uni and did a lot of work at the zoo so spent many an hour sat between them and the penguins). Hope your first week goes well x

    1. Thanks! My first week of actual lectures is going pretty well so far :) and I love the flamingos too, I did some work with them at a WWT park near where I lived :) I'm so jealous you worked at Chester Zoo though! X


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